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you can skip, this is just going to explain why i hadn't updated in a while.

every since i started middle school, my mental heath was never where it should have been. I could never seem to get happy, then a lot of stuff happened leading me to self harm.

through the years it got worse and worse and no one noticed. i felt very alone, and realized that i could just push through it with a fake smile.

that is never the answer.

my mom realized that something was off and i started getting help. this resulted in me having therapy and taking anti-depressants. i have noticed a change, but it's still hard. but i know i will get through this dark time.

i wrote this in case one of you reading this is having the same thing happening to yourself. if so, you can message me anytime and i will get back to you asap!  i promise you're never alone. 💙

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now