valentine's day

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ah my favorite holiday, well at least for the past two years. if i were single, the day after the 14th would be my favorite. all of the discounted chocolates money can buy.

also getting a gift for my bf and my mom's birthday is stressful when i don't have a job lmao.

heart shaped balloons, heart shaped candies, even heart shaped trays of food. it all made me want to crawl into bed on this god forsaken holiday. i mean who even cares about it? oh, let's celebrate our love on just one day of the year because who cares about the other three hundred and sixty four days, right.

"quit staring at the teddy bear."  my eyes glared over at my best friend. she rolled her eyes as she picked a red box off the shelf.

"this sucks." i huffed as i began to push the cart.

frantic significant others were raiding the store. typical procrastinators at their finest, my best friend being one of them. i mentally cursed at myself for agreeing to go with her.

"it's not like it's the end of the world, i'm sure shawn will give you something when he gets home." she tried to reassure me as she began to sort through the various candies.

"i'm not so sure about that," i said shaking my head as i propped my foot up on the bottom of the cart, "last time we spoke, he was so busy that he didn't even realize the month."

"well i mean, his life is pretty busy right now." she shrugged making me feel small.

i couldn't be mad at shawn if he did forget about valentine's day. his life was very stressful and i can only imagine what he deals with everyday. however, i would be lying if i said i wished he were home and not on tour. i know that sounds selfish, and i would never ask him to do so. it was just a sinking feeling i got every once in awhile when it got hard.

i changed the topic, "so is josh taking you out to dinner?"

her eyes lit up at the name of her boyfriend. she was head over heels for him, and i was beyond happy for her. "i think we both agreed to stay in. it would be packed any restaurant," she shrugged and threw wrapping paper into the cart, "besides, i'd rather stay in anyway."

the rest of the day was spent running errands. she mentioned getting our nails done, and i couldn't resist. after we finished up, we both said our goodbyes.

"don't drown yourself in ice cream tomorrow, okay? i'm sure shawn will have something planned out for you two eventually." she said before bringing me into a hug.

after that, we both headed home. the feeling of hope never erased from my mind. especially when my phone rang, his name lighting up the screen.

"hey honey," i spoke as i walked into our house. i tossed my keys on the table before turning on the lights.

"hey, are you just now getting home?" he asked, his voice still made my heart race.

"yeah, marissa had some shopping to do, and then we got our nails done." i explained as i plopped down onto the couch.

"well i'm glad you got out of the house today," i heard slightly mumbling behind him followed by a mix of commotion, "but i just wanted to check in before you went to bed. the sun just came up over here, so i've got to get a start on the day." he said before letting out a sigh.

"okay, well i hope you have a good day." i said before yawning.

"get some sleep baby, i love you." he said making my heart swoon, and a smile immediately cross my lips.

"i love you too." i responded before hearing the three beeps.

i took myself upstairs and began getting ready for bed. after a nice hot shower, i climbed into the clean sheets and finally relaxed. the mattress hugged my sore muscles as i tossed and turned. eventually, i fell asleep.

i woke up the next day feeling very groggy and hungry. i made my way downstairs to find something to eat. my phone rang as i poured myself a bowl of cereal.

"hey," his voice rang in my ears before i could say anything.

"uh," i pulled the phone away from my ear to make sure i was actually talking to him. it was unusual to hear from him at this time, "hey, is everything okay?"

"oh, yeah. i just got off a little earlier and wanted to talk." he responded making my worried frown disappear.

"how is everything going over there?" i asked as i splashed the milk over the chocolate covered crisps.

"it's great. the fans have been amazing, and everything has been going smoothly for the most part," he took in a deep breath before continuing, "i just really miss you."

my chest ached for him. i could only imagine how hard it has been for him. "i miss you too honey, i really wish you were here right now to be honest." i said laughing nervously, afraid i shouldn't have said it.

"well that's good," i could hear a smile in his tone, "because i really need you to open the door."

my jaw dropped slightly. had i heard that right? "what?" i asked sliding out of my chair as i hesitantly walked to the door.

"it's really cold out here you know." he said, but i could hardly understand. my heartbeat was so loud, i couldn't hear anything.

i stopped in shock as i saw his tall figure standing outside the door. my legs went numb, like i had no control over them. i found myself practically running to the door.

i opened it to see him standing in front of me with a bouquet of roses and a smile. snow had covered his coat and hair, the air gave him a soft rosy tone on his cheeks.

"happy valentine's day baby." he stepped inside, as i stood there still in shock.

i practically jumped into his arms, causing him to stumble back slightly. he quickly regained himself before wrapping his arms around me, tightly.

i guess valentine's day isn't so bad after all.

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