Study buddy

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I ran my fingers through my hair as I let out a frustrated sigh. There is no way I can consume all of this information for my exam tomorrow. It's impossible.

I fell back onto the mattress and groaned.

"What's your problem?" I looked away from the ceiling to my boyfriend Shawn. He was leaning against my doorway with a crisp red apple in his hand. He took a big bite and smiled revealing the mouthful of mush.

"Ew," I said laughing at his goofiness.

"There's that laugh I love so much." Shawn said pushing himself off the door and walking over to me. He sat down beside me and continued munching all the fruit.

"I'm just so stressed," I said laying my feet in his lap.

"Why?" He asked pushing his brows together in confusion.

"Because I don't understand this," I said picking up the opened text book to hand to Shawn. His eyes scanned the page as he took another bite into the apple.

"Oh this is easy, I can help you." He shrugged before finishing off the apple and tossing into the small trash can in my room.

"How?" I asked crossing my legs and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'll read the definition of the words, and if you guess them right then you get to," he looked at me with a smirk, "kiss me."

"Ok but don't expect a kiss." I said sighing.

"Not with that attitude." He said shaking his head and picking up the book.

"Now, what consists of a single atom with a positive or negative charge resulting from the loss or gain of an electron?" He asked his brown eyes looked up to meet mine.

"Anions?" I said in a questioning tone.

"it's positive and negative." He said.

"Monatomic Ions." I said.

"There ya go." He said before planting a kiss on my lips.

"What is an ionic compound that produces hydroxide ions when dissolved in water?" He asked.

All the words ran around my head until I remembered what it was, "A base." I answered.

"Yep." He said before kissing me again, but this one was more passionate and powerful making me want more. He pulled away making me pout.

"form ions with a positive charge equal to their group numbers?" Shawn asked raising his brows and licking his lips.

"Cations." I answered without hesitation.

"Why were you stressing so hard about this?" Shawn asked after he rewarded me with the kiss.

"I just couldn't get the words right," I said, "but now I can." I said laughing a little. "I guess you're just a good study buddy." I said before kissing him once more making sure that it would linger.

"I should be your study buddy more often." Shawn said with a smirk as he leaned in. I laid back into the mattress as he kissed me with a smile.


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