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the flash and click of a camera was the only thing i could focus on. i was just trying to have a nice lunch date with my guy friend, but since i'm shawn mendes' girlfriend they want to make everything i do public. i'm pretty sure they could make up a story about me picking up a penny. luckily my friend and i were saying our goodbyes when we were bombarded by paparazzi.

"it was really good to see you again," Harrison said bringing me into a warm hug, "stay in touch, okay." He said as we pulled away.

"Of course, and tell Lindsey i said congratulations." i told him before walking back to my car. i slid across the leather seat and started the car. before i backed out of the parking lot, i decided to call shawn and see what he was up to.

"hey," his voice was blunt and deep.

"hey hun, what are you up to?" i asked looking past his unusual tone.

"wrapping up the tour dates and signing a few cds." he said.

"oh okay, well i just called to see what you were up to and to let you know i'm on my way home." i said looking down at the diamond encrusted ring on my ring finger.

"ok." he said after mumbling something to someone.

"i love you," i said in a soft voice.

"love you too." he said before hanging up.

i sighed and wondered why he was acting so weird. i just shook it off and assumed he was just stressed with the upcoming tour. i backed out of the parking space and made my way home.

i was sitting on the couch watching, "orange is the new black," when shawn walked in. i was expecting him to announce he walked in like he usually does, but he just walked up the stairs with something in his hand.

"Shawn?" i called out confused. he just ignored me and continued walking up the stairs. he walked into our room and slammed the door behind him. i threw the blanket off of me and paused the tv before following after him. "what's wrong?" i asked walking into the bedroom. he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

"i really thought you loved me." Shawn's voice was deep and raspy. his eyes were focused on the carpet under his feet. my heart dropped when i heard his words.

"what are you talking about? i do love you." i said beyond confused as to where this was coming from.

"if you loved me you wouldn't of done this." he pulled his phone out and pulled up a photo of harrison and i. my face fell when i recognized the old photo. harrison had his arms wrapped around me as he kissed my cheek. i was laughing hysterically. it was from a few years ago when harrison and i were dating.

"shawn that's an old-," he cut me off before i could finish.

"you were with him today," he stood up off the bed and snatched up a magazine that he had beside him. he pointed to the photo that had been taken off harrison and i, "you went to lunch with your ex."

"shawn i told you harrison and i are just friends." i said stepping closer.

he backed away and shook his head, "bullshit." his voice was dripping with anger. he clenched his jaw and looked down. "how would you like it if i had a lunch date with camila?" he asked looking up and meeting my eyes.

"why don't you believe me? do you seriously think i would cheat on you?" i questioned pushing my brows together in confusion. I completely ignored his questioned about camila because that wasn't even relevant. that was a completely different situation.

"I- I don't know," he sighed and sat back down in the edge of the bed, "i just didn't know he was your ex." his voice was soft as he spoke.

i shook my head and sat down beside him, "he's my ex for a reason shawn," i looked into his warm brown eyes, "please just trust me from now on, okay?"

he nodded and brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, "I'm sorry." He said leaning his forehead against mine.

I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair, "kiss me you dork." He laughed softly before crashing his lips on mine.

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