the lake

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ready for another mini series? buckle up

it was finally spring break. no more waking up at 6 in the morning, test, or nonsense for a week. my friends and i decided to spend the break at sam's lake house. little did i know who would be tagging along.

his brown eyes met mine as his lips curved into a cocky smirk. anger rushed through my veins as i quickly looked away.

shawn mendes. the boy that i've hated since 7th grade. he loved to get under my skin, and as much as i acted like it didn't bother me. i have to admit, he's pretty damn at it.

"come on y/n, let's go to the dock." jess said grabbing my hand and forcing me to run behind her.

the sun was starting to set over the horizon turning the sky a light pink with a dash of orange. it was warm, but a slight breeze blew making me shiver. goosebumps covered my pale skin.

"I didn't know he was coming." jess said as she took off her bathing suit cover up.

i shrugged, "it's cool. he's not gonna bother us anyway." i said dipping my toes in the water to see how cold it was.

she smiled and stepped beside me. "on the count of three?" she asked raising her brows.

"1," we started counting down and before i knew it the freezing water was surrounding my body. i came up after a few seconds for air.

i brushed my wet hair out of my face before saying, "why did i let you talk me into this?"

that night we all piled into the lake house. everyone was figuring out rooms and who was sleeping with who. we all ended up arguing and shouting at each other.

"okay that's it!" sam said shaking his head. "we are going to write down numbers, and whoever gets the same number is who they are staying with."

he picked up a bowl and found some notebook paper. he began writing numbers 1 through 5. he put them in the bowl before shoving the bowl in front of me.

i pulled out the slip of paper and opened it to see, 4.

i shoved it in my back pocket, and hoped that jess would get the same number.

once everyone got their numbers Sam said, "alright now who got 1?"

jack and gavin both look up. they shrugged and threw the paper away.

jess and sam were next. i rubbed my arm nervously as i realized that anyone i got paired up with was either not a friend of mine or well...Shawn.

olivia and ryan were next. they got lucky since they are together.

i took a deep breath as sam called out my number. i pulled out the paper and held up the number. my eyes skimmed over until they landed on the number.

you have got to be kidding me.

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