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his hands trialed through her hair as he stared up at the ceiling. her fingers trialed over his chest as she stared at his chiseled jawline and perfectly long eyelashes.

she loved everything about him. from his curly brown hair that he's let grow out, to his perfectly defined abs. she loved the attraction she had for him, and how it just consumed her entire body.

he loved the attraction she had for him. how she could never resist him. the way she craved to be touch by him. he loved how it boosted his ego. 

the girl across town laid in her bed. her pillow stained with tears as her thoughts consumed her mind. she wanted nothing more to show him how much she adored him. she loved everything about him; from the way he lit up when he found a new melody or the way he would get caught up in his own lyrics.

she wanted him to see that she loved him for all that he was. not just his looks or his contract. she loved him inside and out. she was convinced that he would never see it that way. he would never want to be with her. they were strictly friends.

he found himself tangled in the sheets with another woman. she was stunning and had one of the best bodies he's ever seen. however the vision of the warm smile from lips flashed in his mind. he tried to shake the feeling and concentrate on the woman he was with. he sat up straight as he ran his fingers over his face and sighed.

"you okay baby?" the woman said with a smile as she ran her finger down the definite line on his stomach.

"huh?" he shook his head as he heard her voice, "oh yeah. i just forgot that i had a meeting today." the lie rolled off his tongue with ease. the frown upon the woman's face didn't phase him at all.

"well okay, will you call me?" the woman asked as she began to put her clothes from last night back on.

               "of course." he assured with a fake smirk on his lips. he watched as she swayed her hips, walking out of his apartment. he fell back on the mattress and sighed.

          she was brewing a cup of coffee as the sun began to peek into the dimly lit house. her hair was a mess, her eyes were puffy, and the only thing keeping her content was the smell of vanilla filling the house. she wrapped the blanket around her fragile body tightly. the warmth brought her comfort that she longed for.      

a faint knock on the door broke her out of her trance. who would be here at this time? she sighed and tried to fix her hair a little before walking to the door. she opened the door and felt her stomach drop to her toes.

shawn felt a pit form in his stomach at the sight of her. she looked exhausted, but more than beautiful. his heart ached at the fact that he caused this. he cleared his throat, "i need to talk to you." he choked out.
"i think you've said enough." she said shaking her head  before attempting to close the door.

"y/n, please." he begged as he stopped the door with his hand. she looked at him with uncertainty, but knew she would cave. she stepped aside allowing him to enter.

"i know it's early, and i'm sorry if i woke you." shawn said as he closed the door.

"you didn't. i've been up all night." she said in a dry tone as she walked back to the kitchen. she felt shawn following close behind her. she had to ignore the sound of her heart thumping rapidly.

"i'm sorry." he croaked as he stood behind her. she stopped reaching for her mug, and turned around. her eyebrows raised as she looked at him in a way she never thought she would. anger bubbled through her veins.

"for what?" she questioned wanting to hear his sorry excuse.

"i've treated you poorly for the last few years. you have stuck with me through everything, and all i've done is push you to the side. i was blinded by the fame and what came with it." he stepped closer to her causing her to step back. he frowned at the affect he had on her now.

"i just don't get you. one moment we're having a wonderful time, the next you're cold towards me. you would think that i would be tired of it by now, but for some reason you have this thing over me. you could hurt me a million times, and i would say sorry each time. i hate myself for it, but there's nothing i can do to change it. believe me i've tried." she shook her head before turning back to her coffee.

shawn's face fell as sadness filled his body. he never realized what he did to her. all the teasing and leading her on, he never realized just exactly what it did to her. he thought what he was doing was good for her.

"i'm terrified." he managed to admit it. she turned around with confusion evident on her face. "you make me feel vulnerable, and to feel something that is real and only happens when i'm with you. it makes me terrified to know that someone can cause this feeling, especially you." she scoffed as she shook her head.

"especially me," she mumbled, "well i'm sorry that i'm not like the models you sleep with every night. i'm sorry that i'm not like the other women you're seen with in tabloids. i'm sorry that my feelings for you are an inconvenience for you." she said bitterly. she couldn't believe the audacity that he had.

"that's not what i meant y/n," he said shaking his head.

"then what did you mean shawn? because it sure as hell sounds like-." he cut her off.

"jesus christ y/n, i'm in love with you! i have been since we were teenagers. i never told you because i never wanted to be responsible for hurting you in any way ever. i promised myself that i would never get close enough to do that to you. somewhere down the line i got everything twisted and hurt you more. i'm sorry." his hand found her face before he cupped her cheek.

she closed her eyes tightly as she processed his words. she found herself being overwhelmed, but wanting to feel his comfort.

"i love you shawn. there's nothing that you could ever do to change that. even after all the hell you've put me though." she said opening her eyes to meet his.

"god i need you so bad. you're everything i've ever wanted." he said resting his forehead against hers.

from then on, shawn never needed anyone else. he became consumed by her, and never needed just another ego booster.


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