sour patch kids

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a big velvety blanket covered my body as i watched reruns of my old favorite tv show. the laughs from the sitcom echoed throughout the house. my phone buzzed beside me making my heart skip a beat.

Shawn- want some company? I'll bring snacks

i smiled to myself and quickly responded before laying back down. after about 10 minutes there was a knock on my door. i swung the door open revealing shawn in a black hoodie and gray sweatpants. he was holding a bag overfilling with our favorite candies and chips.

"you look cute." he said looking me up and down with a smile. i was wearing red shorts and an old band tee. my hair was in a messy bun that had stray hairs surrounding my face.

i rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips and let him in. i closed the door behind me and followed him into the living room. he plopped down on the leather couch and placed the snacks in front of him as i sat down beside him.

"i brought all of our favorites," he said before dumping them all on the table, "sour patch kids, Reese's, ruffles, Cheetos, and of course Mountain Dew." he said with a proud smile.

"thank you." i said placing a small kiss on his cheek before grabbing my drink and chips and leaning back into the couch.

he hopped up to turn off the light and then sat back down as he opened up the pack of sour patch kids. he poured a handful out and picked out the blue ones.

"what are you doing weirdo?" i asked laughing a little.

"i know you like the red ones, so i'm making sure i don't eat those." he said before throwing his head back as he lifted the hand full of blue sour patch kids to his mouth.

i smiled at him and felt a small blush creep onto my cheeks. it was adorable how he thought about things like that. it was one of the things i loved about him.

"i love you dork." i said taking his discarded red sour patch kids.

"i love you more babe." he said dropping his arm over my shoulder and pulling me close to him. i rested my head on his chest as we continued to eat our snacks and watch the sitcom.

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