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a smile can say a lot about somebody. i'm not talking about whether they have missing teeth or teeth the color of a baby nursery. i'm talking about seeing their emotions just through the facial expression.

when someone makes a joke and someone gives a faint toothless smile in response, you know they more than likely weren't listening or they didn't find it amusing. however, when your riding in the passenger seat with the windows down letting air run through your hair, and your best friends fill the car with all your favorite songs and memories. the smile you have their is the real deal.

"you okay?" her green eyes met mine snapping me out of my thoughts. her long hair framed her face perfectly as she tilted her head slightly with a confused expression. i shook my head to get my concentration back on track.

"uh," i cleared my throat and rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans, "yeah, i was just thinking." i said avoiding eye contact.

"well you definitely weren't thinking about chemistry, so what is on your mind?" she asked closing the book before leaning on her arms to focus on me.

"i-," the sound of a car locking followed by deep voices echoed. i sighed and turned my head slightly to see the varsity players getting off the bus. it was game day which meant they were even more rowdy than usual.

y/n's eyes trailed from mine to his. he gave her a crooked smirk before opening the door to the school. i sighed as a sharp pain pinged in my chest. a light blush crept onto her face as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

"you were saying." she said trying to brush it off.

"just that i won't be able to study tomorrow." i explained.

"oh," she pushed her brows together slightly confused, "but the test is-." i cut her off.

"yeah, but it's fine." i grabbed the text book from her as i stood up.

"are you sure? i mean i could-." i cut her off once again and gave her the good old fashion toothless smile.

"no it's okay. besides the word on the street is that you'll be busy tomorrow anyway." i said shrugging my shoulders as i pulled the strap over my shoulder.

she looked beyond confused making me laugh slightly. i had overheard from brad that he was going to ask her on a date, but i tried to not let it get to me. well that was until i saw the effect he had on her.

"also y/n, be careful..." she tilted her head slightly, "that smile could make someone fall in love." i pressed my lips together before turning on my heel and walking off.

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