the right time •2•

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i have an imagine coming for you guys that might rip your heart to shreds. what's even worse is that it is coming from personal experience. stay tuned for that.

i found myself in the busy traffic of downtown toronto. i was also one turn away from my destination, and still had no clue what to do when i got there.

how would he react to seeing me?

what if it's his actual home address? would he flip?

i parked in a creepy parking garage and took the elevator into the main lobby. it seemed to a penthouse or a really nice apartment complex.

i mean he was a pretty famous super star, so it made sense for him to live somewhere like this. if this was even where he lived. hopefully it's not one of his friends, that would be super awkward.

karen's directions said to tell the front office that i was shawn's sister, guess they've never seen aaliyah before. strange. she also told me the code which gave me immediate access.

i got into another elevator and hit the number written on the envelope. my heart was practically in my throat by the time i reached the floor. my shaky legs stepped out onto the carpeted floors before looking at the numbers on the doors.

i stopped in front of his and took a deep breath. here goes nothing. i raised my knuckles to the door and knocked. my hand fell back to my side as i awaited the door to open.

i heard the locks twist behind the door for a second followed by the door swinging open. all of the air in my lungs felt trapped when i met his chocolate colored eyes. his brows furrowed together in confusion as he looked me up and down in shock.

i cleared my throat awkwardly as i stepped back a little, "i know this is not what you expected, but-." he cut me off.

"what are you doing here, y/n?" his voice was sharp and felt like a knife in my chest.

i closed my eyes tightly as i tried to come up with the right words, "we need to talk, shawn." i breathed out.

"there's nothing else for us to talk about. i think we covered that back in the states." his words caused my chest to ache even more. he shook his head as he closed the door in my face.

well. i don't know what i was expecting, but it definitely wasn't that.

i stared at the door in shock for a second before shaking myself out of it. i felt the tears falling from my eyes, but quickly wiped them away before turning on my heel.

after a few seconds, i heard the door open once again. i forced myself not to look back, not wanting to be any more disappointed.

"damn it," i heard his deep voice mumble, "y/n," that was all it took for me to spin back around. his head was leaning against the door frame as his now dark eyes stared me down, "come inside." he said in a dry tone.

i walked into the apartment to see guitars hung along the white walls, the kitchen was spotless, and there was an amazing view right from his living room. i stood there in awe for a second before realizing his gaze was staring a hole into me.

i took a deep breath and sat the envelope down on his counter, "i, uh," i cleared my throat and brushed my stray hairs behind my ears, "i've finally got a break from college and work, so i came home to visit family. i stopped by your parents, and that's how i ended up here." i explained.

his eyes fell to the envelope for a second, "but why are you here?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.

it hurt for him to be this way towards me, but i couldn't be mad. i shouldn't expect him to be the loving and caring shawn he was to me before.

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