merry christmas

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hope everyone had a good christmas/whichever holiday you celebrate. this christmas wasn't really a good one for me since we didn't exchange any gifts, but i still got to spend it with family which is all that matters :)

snowflakes fell from the gray skies, the dead grass was now starting to be covered with the blanket of white ice. the smell of hot cocoa and popcorn lingered throughout the warm home.

unfortunately, my family took a trip out of town and my boyfriend was still on the road. this meant that christmas would be a little lonely this year. we promised to do everything as soon as they got back after new years, so until then i would be downing some hot chocolate and watching romance movies.

i grabbed my fuzzy blanket and covered my exposed legs before hitting play on the movie. i only made it through 2 and half movies before passing out on the couch. i woke up to the sound of a car engine shutting off.

fear instantly kicked in as i looked up at the clock. it was nearly midnight, who on earth would be here? my mind went to a crazy fan that found shawn and i's house.

i immediately grabbed my phone and ran to the kitchen. before i could dial 911 the door opened making me swallow hard and reach for the nearest knife.

"baby- woah there killer." shawn's brown eyes met mine as he turned with a smirk on his face. he had a neatly wrapped present in one hand and his keys in the other.

relief washed over me, and was replaced with joy and excitement. "you're home." i said in disbelief as i placed the knife down carefully before running over to him.

"you didn't really think i was going to spend christmas away from you, did you?" he asked pulling away to meet my eyes. i shook my head before kissing his lips that i have craved for months. he gently set me down on the ground and handed me the gift.

"i know it's not christmas yet, but i don't want you to wait." he shrugged.

i smiled before tearing into the wrapping paper. i gasped as i opened the black box. it was the necklace i've wanted for months, and he got it.

"thank you so much." i said wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to me.

maybe christmas wouldn't be so bad after all.

goodness i haven't updated in a hot minute, but i've been stressed and so busy that i just haven't had the time. i've also lost my inspiration, so if this isn't that great i apologize.

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