teen love

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the pictures stared at me as i flipped through the pages. the warm smiles were blurred from the tears that were threatening to spill. the memories began rushing back as i pulled them out of the box.

"come on!" he shouted excitedly as i rushed to put on my shoes. he ran out the door into the pouring rain. lightening lit up the sky, and thundered roared as i followed him.

i wrapped my arms around the wooden post as i watched his dorky smile look up at the dark clouds. his brown hair was soaked and covering his forehead causing him to shake like a dog.

"you're going to get struck out there." i shouted at him causing him run over to me. he took his hand in mine and yanked me off the porch. i groaned as i began to get wet causing him to laugh. he wrapped his arm around my waist, and used the other to sweep me off the ground. he spun me around causing me to laugh loudly.

"you're going to catch a cold!" i heard his mom yell from the porch. she pulled her phone out of her pocket before capturing the moment. my arms wrapped around his neck as i smiled, shawn was completely clueless and was looking up again.

i sorted through the rest of the photos that were mainly holidays, cheesy halloween costumes, birthdays, and trips. i placed them down beside
me and looked through the rest of the box.

there were a dozen movie tickets studs, wristbands from fairs, and silly polaroids. something shiny at the bottom caught my eye. i felt a ping in my chest as i twirled it around in between my index finger and thumb. it was the promise ring he gave me on our anniversary.

"close your eyes." shawn said grabbing a small bag out from his suitcase. i covered my eyes and smiled excitedly. "you better not peek." he insisted now inches away from my face.

"i'm not." i told him as i felt him take my right hand in his.

i felt him slip something onto my finger before he said, "okay, you can look now." i opened my eyes to see the shiny pandora ring on my hand. i smiled and looked over at him.

"i wanted to get something to show you that i see a future with you, and to promise you that the next one will be on your left hand." he said cupping my face with his large warm hand.

i smiled before kissing him passionately.

the doorbell rang causing me to jump. i dropped the ring, and tried to quickly find it. the doorbell rang again causing me to sigh and run downstairs. i opened the door revealing shawn. his phone was pressed against his ear as he walked in.

"well, that's not the right flavor. we ordered lemon meringue with raspberry frosting." he said in an annoyance as he began walking up the stairs.

i followed closely behind him as he finished up his phone call. "im sorry. this morning has been hell." he said shaking his head as he slid his phone into his pocket. he reached out to hug me, i wrapped my arms around him, immediately welcomed by his warmth and cologne. i closed my eyes tightly as he squeezed me.

i pulled back quickly and cleared my throat, "your tux is hanging up on the closet door. go try it on, just to make sure." i said before walking back downstairs.

i just wanted this day to be over already. it sounded selfish, but i didn't care. i don't know why i even agreed to this.

because he's my best friend. unfortunately.

i poured myself a cup of coffee and began pouring my creamer. as i stirred it, i heard the stairs creak as he walked down. i turned around to see him, his brown hair was pushed back, the black tux fit him perfectly. however, his eyes were fixated on something in his hand.

my eyes widened as realization set in. the box, oh no.

"shawn," i said softly. he didn't budge, his thumb tracing over the small jewelry piece. i swallowed hard as i felt my cheeks heat up.

"you kept it?" he asked looking up, his eyes now darker and glossy.

"uh," i sat my coffee down and tucked my hair behind my ear, "yeah, i have a bunch of the stuff we had. it was in a box that i took with me when i moved out." i explained as the lump grew in my throat.

he shook his head as he began to pace. "i thought you threw it out."

i swallowed hard as that night flashed back in my mind.

"you lied!" i shouted in disbelief as my chest began to burn.

"no, i didn't. you just chose to believe what you saw." he yelled back as he ran his fingers through his hair.

i picked up the magazine and threw it at him. he caught it as it collided with his chest. his eyes looked down at the front page with his arm around the brunette woman. his brows furrowed together as his lips pursed together.

"care to explain what i saw then?" i waited for a response, anything. all i got was silence and a look of sorriness. i nodded and sighed as i blinked away my tears, "i thought so." i grabbed my keys off the counter and headed out the door. ignoring his attempt in getting me to stay.

the ring on my finger glared under the streetlights causing my tears to flow even more. i wanted to take it off, but i couldn't. i would feel naked without it, and the indentation would be a reminder.

i gripped the steering wheel tightly as my body shook from the loud sobs escaping my mouth.

i didn't think that would have been the end of our story, but i eventually came to terms with it. i also knew that i wanted him in my life, rather than not at all. which is where we are today.

"uh," i cleared my throat, "it was an expensive gift, i didn't want to just throw it away." i responded turning around to wipe away my tears quickly.

"you kept the photos too." his voice was soft and much closer than before. i turned around to see him inches away from me.

i swallowed hard and forced a smile as i fixed his tie, "it's nice to look back on the memories sometimes," i took a deep breath as i patted his chest, "now go, can't be late to your own wedding."

"what's the real reason? why did you keep all of it? don't tell me it's for reminiscing on old times, tell me the truth." he demanded, his tone eager and almost angry.

i sunk back into the counter as he stepped closer. his eyes stared into mine, making me fumble with my words. i took a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly.

"i kept them for many reasons shawn. some of those photos have people that aren't still around and some of them remind me when life was much simpler," it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the complete truth, "shawn, getting over you was one of the hardest things i ever had to do, and being your friend during the process made it a hell of a lot harder. however, i knew i'd rather have you in my life as a friend, than to not have you at all. i kept those things just in case. i thought that whatever that spark, connection, love whatever we had, was something that would never die out. as time went on, i came to terms with it. we were just teenagers in love, that stuck together  to early adulthood, but that was all it would ever be." i confessed choking back the lump in my throat.

his brows pushed together in confusion as he looked at me with his bloodshot stare. i brushed past him in hopes he would leave now. i needed to get ready, and he didn't have anymore time to waste.

"i should have ran after you that night," i froze at his statement. my hand dropped the stair's railing as my heart raced, i slowly turned around to see him. "my biggest regret was not explaining it all to you. i should have called you when the story got out, and i don't know why i didn't." he shook his head as he looked down.

"it's ancient history, now you really have to go." i said turning away and making my way up the stairs. the front door closed as i entered my bedroom. i slid down the door as the tears finally escaped my eyes.

pt. 2?

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