lazer tag

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it was an early saturday morning. the sizzling bacon on the stove was the only thing that could be heard in the house. pancake batter began to bubble in the pan signaling it was ready to be flipped.

a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist as i reached for the spatula. i smiled to myself as i used my free hand to trace his arm. i felt his chest rise against my back before a sigh escaped his lips.

"good morning." shawn said placing a kiss on my neck.

"good morning." i said turning around once i flipped the last pancake.

"so," i turned around to face him as he spoke, "i have an idea."

"oh no." i said shaking my head slightly scared.

"don't worry, it's not bad." he assured as he placed his hands on my waist.

"remember what happened last time you said that?" i asked raising an eyebrow and looking up into his brown eyes.

he rolled his eyes and tilted his head back, "listen that was one time, i didn't know that the paintballs would actually leave bruises."

"mhmm," i placed my hand on his chest, "so what's your new idea?"

"lazer tag." he said with a small smile as he searched my eyes for a response.

this actually wasn't a bad idea. i've done it once, and it's actually a lot of fun. i smiled a little before nodding, "sounds like a plan to me."

shawn and i finished our breakfast and then took a shower. he was practically a little kid as he made his way to the doors of the place. i loved it when he got in this mood. his eyes always light up with excitement and his lips are in a permanent smile.

shawn paid for everything, even though i offered to help. of course he rejected my offer as always. after he paid, an instructor walked us through what we had to do and explained everything.

he mentioned that there would be a few kids teamed up with us since they were pretty busy. shawn and i didn't mind though, we both thought it would be more fun.

as we were putting on the vest a little girl with blonde pony tails walked up to me with a precious smile revealing her small gap.

"i'm jess, i think you're on my team." she said tilting her head a little.

"what's your color?" i asked bending down to reach her height.

"pink." she said excitedly as she smiled even bigger.

"me too." i said giving her a smile in return before standing back up. i turned my head to see shawn looking at me with an expression that was hard to read.

his brown eyes were soft and watched me closely. i pushed my brows together and tried to get his attention. he shook his head as if he was snapping out of a deep thought. his lips curved into a
smile as he looked down at the ground.

"is that your boyfriend?" jess asked me in almost a whisper.

"yep, it sure is." i said feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"i have a boyfriend too. his name is daniel. he doesn't like the color pink though." her smile faded a little as she pushed her brows together. she shook her head and looked back up at me, "but he likes cookies and cream ice cream so that's okay."

i laughed softly as she rambled on about her little boyfriend. i couldn't help but wonder where her parents were, but i just pushed it to the back of my mind and made my way to the entrance of the maze.

they handed us the gun like lasers before letting us into the dark room that was only lit up by the neon signs and splattered paint. an alarm went off signaling that we needed to get in spots.

"i'm scared." jess's happy tone turned soft and almost as if she was embarrassed.

"hey, it's okay. just follow me." i assured her. she nodded before reaching up for my hand. i was kind of taken aback by the motion, but smiled and held her small hand in mine before running to find the best hiding spot.

"you're going down mendes." i shouted as we both ran separate ways.

i blocked jess as she aimed for a few of the other players, she missed most of them, but she looked like she was having a blast.

i decided that it was time to come out of hiding and try to find a new place. as i ran behind the styrofoam covered wall i shot at a few players making their light flash signaling they were out.

"that was awesome." jess whispered-yelled as we crouched behind the wall.

i laughed a shook my head slightly. i heard a soft movement coming from behind me, i turned my head slightly to see shawn thinking he was invisible. i bit my lip to hide my smile and leaned down to whisper to jess.

"okay, you see that block pit over there?" i asked causing her to nod, "you need to run as fast as you can and then jump into it."

she looked at me unsure at first, but i gave her a soft smile. "okay." she nodded before looking back and forth. then her small legs ran full force before she fell into the foam pit.

"well, well, well," i jumped when i heard his whisper tone.

i smiled before standing up to face him, "be smart about your next move mendes." i wanted as i stepped closer to him.

his arm quickly snaked around my waist pulling me close, "who knew you were such a badass at laser tag?"

"well you should know, i am kind of a badass." i shrugged looking up into his eyes.

he smiled softly before kissing me passionately. as soon as he pulled away his blue light began blinking rapidly. he looked down confused.

"told you i was a badass." i said winking before running to the foam pit.

ummm this was a random idea i just got and idk kinda went with it....

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