the right time

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congrats to anyone who is graduating this year, i'm proud of each and everyone of you.
can't believe i'm considered a senior now. is that really allowed?!

shawn and i had been friends every since my freshman year of high school. we did everything together from every school dance, sport, and every project we had. we were inseparable.

i had always had feelings for him, but things always got in the way. boyfriends, girlfriends, drama, and just the usual teenage stuff. it was never the right time for us, and i had come to terms with that just being the way it was.

however, the day i got my acceptance letter to the university in the states everything changed.

"shawn," he looked at my drenching wet body with confusion and worry itched in his brown eyes. he reached out for me, but i stood there in shock, "i got in! i'm going in the fall."

i watched the roller coaster of emotions take over his pale skin. he plastered a smile before bringing me into a hug, "i'm so happy for you."

"make sure you look for me in the front row, okay?" my words muffled themselves into his shirt.

"you'll be backstage, i promise that." he said placing a kiss on my forehead as his arms slowly slipped from my body.

my chest ached as i watched him load up his last suitcase. the lump in my throat was becoming harder to swallow. i needed to tell him before he left, he deserved to know.

"shawn," his head snapped in my direction as he shut the car door, "don't forget about us." were the only words that i managed to get out. i decided to let him interpret it in how he wanted to. whether he thought us was just me and him, or his family back home.

"never in a million years, y/n."

bright lights began to flash, the chords to his hit song at the time began to echo through the stadium. the screams from the sold out stadium filled my ears as i looked over at him.

a bright smile was staring back at me as he put in his ear piece.

i watched him play from backstage. i had never seen him so happy. i was beyond proud of him, and knew that he had finally made it.

"what did you think?" he asked bringing me into a hug before we walked back to his dressing room.

"that was amazing shawn! you are killing it." i said wrapping my arm around his back and leaning my head against his shoulder.

once we got back to his dressing room, everything seemed to drown itself out. it was just me and him, and it was like nothing was different. we were joking, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company.

"y/n, i really need to tell you something." his voice became suddenly serious as he took my hands into his.

i looked up at him slightly confused. my heart raced as i furrowed my brows together.

"i wanted to tell you this before i left, well actually way before that," he let out a shaky breath before closing his eyes tightly for a second, "i'm so in love with you. i have been since i can remember. i know this probably seems sudden, but i go on every night performing this songs, and it kills me knowing that they're about you, and you have no idea. it's killing me."

"it's so good to see you!" aaliyah brought me into a welcoming hug, squeezing all of my ribs together.

"i've missed you so much!" i said equally as excited as her.

i had been gone for half a year at college. it doesn't seem like that long, but six months without seeing the people you used to see every day is insane.

"oh honey, i can't believe you here." karen said clapping her hands together with a smile.

i laughed a little at her reaction before pulling her into a hug. she rocked us back and forth as she held onto me tightly. i felt my eyes begin to burn with tears at the abundance amount of love.

"how was your flight? are you hungry? are you tired?" manny question with a worried expression.

"dad, she just got here. let her breathe!" aaliyah said causing me to laugh slightly.

"the flight went great, and i'm okay. just a little anxious that's all." i said rubbing my arm nervously.

karen placed her hand on the middle of my back and gave me a sympathetic smile.

things were complicated. i came back home to see his family, but he was nowhere around. it was understandable, but it still hurt.

"the pizzas should be ready to pick up now," karen said looking down at her watch, "aaliyah will you go with your dad, you know he will get lost." she said nodding towards manny who just rolled his eyes playfully as he grabbed his keys.

they both headed out the door, leaving me and karen. i suddenly felt more at ease and comfortable.

"come on, let's go have a chat." she said leading me to the living room.

she sat down beside me on the couch and stayed silent for a minute. i knew she wanted to discuss him, but there was no way around the awkwardness.

"i know it's going to be hard, but i also know that he can't stay mad at you for forever." she said shaking her head with a small smile.

her words were kind of relieving. however, i doubt she knows the full story. i sunk into the couch and slowly shook my head.

"he has every right to. i mean, he finally admitted how he felt, and i panicked and just shot him down. i mean i've wanted to hear him say that for years, and he does and i just-," i sighed and ran my fingers over my face, "i just need to see him."

she gave me a toothless smile and placed her hand on my knee, "then go."

my head snapped in her direction. shawn wasn't even in town.

she grabbed a pen and an unopened envelope from the coffee table before writing something down. she handed it to me, "i've had hope for you two for way too long, it won't end this way."

i practically flung myself into her arms and thanked her before rushing out the door. i unlocked my rental car and punched the address into my gps.

i had no idea where i was going, no clue what i would say, no clue what to even do if i saw him. i just knew that i wasn't going to let it stay this way between us.

sorry to do this to you guys, but i'm working on pt. 2 right now.

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