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i've been going through a lot recently, and i haven't had any motivation to write. however, i feel as though i should open up during these times.

this may be triggering to some readers, so if domestic abuse or anything else in this can cause that, do not continue.

everyone warned me. they told me that he had that reputation for a reason, but for some reason i thought that i would change him. i should've known, i should have listened. it would of prevented everything. from the tears streaming down my face to the broken glass on the hardwood floor.

the music drowned out any other noise in the house as i sobbed. my back leaned against the wall as i stared at the blood. i didn't know where it was coming from, but there was a lot. i knew i should of moved, but i couldn't. it was almost as if i was paralyzed.

"y/n," a faint familiar voice called out for me, but i just remained on the cold floor. i heard the voice become louder and the footsteps got closer.

"y/n!" i finally snapped my head up to meet a comforting pair of brown eyes. however, the usual light in them was now dull and full of concern.

i felt his arms sneak underneath my legs as he lifted me from the floor. my body went limp after i wrapped my arms around his neck. he placed me down on the kitchen counter as he searched for something frantically. 

the cabinets flew open along with the drawers being emptied. he ran his fingers through his hair as he looked around in a panic.

"y/n," he cupped my cheeks forcing me to look away from the tiles, "listen to me, it's going to be okay. you're going to be okay." he assured before rushing up the stairs.

my eyes fell to the drips of crimson on the floor. i slowly began to realize what was happening. sharp pains began shooting through my foot making me wince.

"shawn!" i called out in pain. he turned the corner with a bunch of gauze and wrap. he raised his hand up to my face causing me to flinch. his brows pushed together as he looked at me confused. he shook his head before bending down to fix the open cut.

after a few minutes of me complaining and wincing, shawn had stopped the bleeding and seemed to have calmed down.

"you need to lay down," he wrapped his arm around my waist, but i wiggled out of his grip. unfortunately this caused me to put all of the weight down on my foot causing me to yell out.

my legs gave out from the pain causing me to almost fall, fortunately shawn caught me. his eyes searched mine for any explanation as to why i was being this way. he had never seen me like this, i had never been like this.

"y/n," he said softly, "what happened?"

i swallowed hard and looked down at his arms holding me up. i bit my lip as i held back tears.

"i should've listened to you." i said before letting out a shaky breath.

realization began to settle in, but was soon replaced with anger.

"what did he do to you?" his voice was deep and laced with sadness and frustration.

"shawn," i said softly trying to get away from him once again.

"tell me what he did to you y/n." his tone was now higher making me flinch and tears began to flow once again.

he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to his chest. my hands gripped his t-shirt tightly as i sobbed into his chest. his head rested on top of mine as i held onto him for dear life.

i didn't know how i was supposed to feel. angry? sad? did i want to be touched?

i needed comfort, and shawn was the one person i needed that from.

"come on." he said in almost a whisper before picking me up once again and carrying me up the stairs to my bedroom.

he placed me down on my bed gently before covering me up. he ran his hands over his face as he stood their quietly.

"can you lay with with me, please?" i asked making him snap out of his thoughts.

he nodded before crawling in beside me. he was hesitant to wrap his arm around me, but i let him know it was okay. as he held me, i felt as if everything was okay. only if it was just for that moment, i could finally breathe and relax.

"whenever you're ready, i'm here to listen." he assured as he moved the stray hair behind my ear.

i nodded as i tightened my grip.

whenever i'm ready.

if you ever need anyone to talk to, i'm always here.

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