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snowflakes fell from the dark sky. the white icy dots fell onto my nose as i stared up at the gray clouds. i pulled my coat closer to my body as i took in the christmas lights scattered through the neighborhood. even though christmas had passed, they still lit up their yards.

"y/n, you're going to freeze." i heard shawn say as he walked closer to me.

"it's finally snowing." i said with an excited grin turning back to look at him.

he shook his head with a smile before placing his hands on my hips, "it'll still be here in the morning, now come on." he said before placing a kiss on my forehead and intertwining his fingers with mine.

"only if you make me hot chocolate." i said standing still causing him to glare at me.

"of course. i'll even let you throw the first snowball tomorrow." he said in hopes it would get me to come in.

"two." i said holding up my fingers.

"fine, just get in the house before you're fingers freeze off." he said rolling his eyes.

"you do this every year! it's just snow." shawn said walking out into the yard that was filled with the white powder.

"do you remember that night, you had to drag me into the house?" i asked as i turned around with a smile on my lips. my daughter clung to my coat as her long eyelashes began to catch snowflakes.

shawn laughed slightly as he nodded, "yeah, the next day we had a huge snowball fight that i let you win."

"let me win?" i scoffed and shook my head, "you better be glad i have our daughter in my arms right now." i said glaring at him as i swayed my hips slightly causing her to giggle.

"mom, the movie is starting!" our older son called out from the front door.

i intertwined my free hand with shawn's as we walked back to the house. i smiled as i leaned into shawn's chest. the children's eyes fixated on the screen.

"we really have come a long way, haven't we?" i said tilting my head back to look up at him.

"we have, and it was worth it every step of the way." he said smiling down at me before kissing me softly.

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