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"you ready to go explore some abandoned places." Amanda said leaning down towards the steering wheel as I got into the front seat.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed as I slid across the leather seat. i stretched the seatbelt across my chest before she pulled out of my driveway.

"So I'm going to pick up adam, and then," she came to a stop at a redlight and then looked over at me, "we have to pick up Shawn."

I groaned and tossed my head back onto the headrest, "why does he have to come?" I asked annoyed. Shawn and I have hated each other for years. It all started when he bumped into me at a party.

"Hey watch where you're going bitch." I looked down at the warm beer that soaked my shirt and gasped. I lifted my head and met a pair of brown eyes.

"You're such an ass," i said pushing past him and running up the stairs to a bathroom.

Then ever since every time we see each other it never ends well. We always end up arguing over nothing. It's just something about him that gets under my skin. He's so nice to everyone else, but a total douchebag to me. I never understood it.

"What's up my girls." Adam said hopping into the backseat.

"Adam please don't tell me your drunk." Amanda said looking in the rear view mirror at him.

"You already know I had to pregame, besides I needed something to get me through y/n and Shawn's arguments tonight." Adam said before sipping something from his red solo cup.

"Whatever." I mumbled and crossed my arms over my chest. I dreaded even saying yes to this whole thing. We could end up in jail for trespassing, or I could end up in prison for murder.

As Amanda stopped in front of Shawn's house my heart started pounding and anger rushed through my veins. I knew this was not going to go well at all, but I didn't want to start anything. I decided I would just keep my mouth shut.

when shawn got into the car, i just turned my head and looked out the window. soft music from, "the 1975," was playing through the speakers. it has been Amanda's favorite band since I can remember. I knew every one of their songs, just from being friends with her.

"so how's the album coming along?" Amanda asked glancing at shawn through the rear view mirror.

"it's good, it should be out soon actually." He said rolling down his window. The loud noise echoed throughout the car. After a few minutes it became annoying.

"Can you roll up your window." I asked turning my head to look at him.

He smirked and hit the button rolling it down even more. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. "You're such an ass," i mumbled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Speak up if you're gonna say something." Shawn said leaning forward.

"I said," I turned my head to meet his eyes, "you're an ass." I raised my brows as I spoke.

He just smiled cockily and leaned back into his seat as he reached his hand out the window. "I hope your arm gets taken out by a bird."

"Dude if that happens that would be some magical shit." Adam said laughing a little.

I sighed and turned back around. This was going to be a long night, and it was just the beginning.

Part 2?
And am I the only one that finds asshole Shawn hot?

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