second choice

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have any of y'all watched euphoria, bc i need someone to talk abt last nights episode...

the girls bright smile stared back at me through the screen. i swallowed hard as i ripped my eyes away from the photo.

"yeah, she's gorgeous." i agreed as i pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"i don't know though," he said sighing as he fell back into his chair, "she's kinda got a reputation, if you know what i mean." he said widening his eyes slightly.

"i thought that's what guys liked," i said pushing my brows together as i focused on the instagram logo, "you know the girls that are..." i felt his eyes staring at me as he waited for me to finish my sentence, "experienced?" i said in more of a questioning tone.

he shrugged and shut his phone off, "i mean some do i guess."

this conversation made me feel nauseous. hearing him talk about a girl he may want only made me face reality. i turned off my phone and looked back at him. his eyes focused on me causing me to feel a little uneasy.

"what?" i asked laughing a little.

he shook his head as he snapped back into the conversation, "sorry, i'm just really tired. i should uh," he stood up from the chair and wiped his palms along his pants, "go home."

i pushed my brows together, slightly confused at the sudden goodbye. i just brushed it off and stood up from my bed, "alright, well i'll see you tomorrow." i said waiting for the usual hug we share.

sadness took over me when all he left me with was a small nod before he walked out the door. he was acting strange, but i chose not to think about it too much.

"this," he held up a black button up in front of his tall frame, "or this?" he switched it to a navy blue shirt that complimented his complexion.

"that one." i answered causing him to grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head. i swallowed hard as i admired his toned torso. i felt guilty for thinking about how good he looked, but i couldn't tear my eyes off of him.

i watched as his hands fumbled with the buttons. he seemed to be a little nervous than usual. after a few more minutes of watching him struggle, i decided to step in.

i pushed his hand out of the way, allowing me to slip the button into the small slit. my hands trailed up to the second to the last button, before pushing down the collar of the shirt.

"there you go." i said looking up smiling softly. his gaze was intense as he peered down at me. his brown eyes darkened and his breathing seemed to get heavier.

i cleared my throat awkwardly as i backed away, "being late for a first date isn't a good impression." i said jokingly, trying to break the tension between us.

"yeah," he nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "uh, thanks for your help." he said shoving his wallet into his pocket.

"no problem," i said giving a faint smile as i watched him reach for the door, "it's what friends are for."

"wait," i held back a laugh as i spoke, "let me get this straight, you ghosted her because you didn't like how she ate popcorn?" i asked raising a brow.

shawn shrugged and leaned back into the couch, "it was just so loud." he said shaking his head.

i laughed loudly, "you're unbelievable," i said getting up from the couch, "you're going to be single
forever at this rate." i said jokingly.

"where are you going?" he asked ignoring my joke.

"to get popcorn, i'm craving it now." i answered shrugging as i started to make my way to the kitchen.

"did you not hear the story?" he yelled out confused making me roll my eyes.

i tossed the bag into the microwave before putting the time in. i poured us two drinks and grabbed a few other snacks before pulling the popcorn out of the microwave. i poured it into a bowl before heading back to the living room.

i placed the bowl in my lap and handed shawn his drink, "thanks." he said as his eyes stayed on the tv.

i placed the rest of the snacks on the table beside us before grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"see, that's how a normal person eats it," he said reaching into the bowl, "not like this." he said before stuffing a handful into his mouth before he began to smack.

the sound made my skin crawl causing me to hit his arm lightly, "okay, okay the picture is clear enough for me." i said scrunching my face up in disgust.

i stared at him in disbelief. his words ran in my head as i tried to process his confession. i swallowed hard as i backed away, shaking my head.

"where is all of this coming from?" i asked looking at him confused.

"i guess it's always been there, i just kind of buried it down." he explained as he stepped closer. his eyes burned for a better response from me.

the guy i've yearned for since we were teens finally told me he felt the same way. however, i couldn't feel happiness. instead, i felt hurt and angry. he knew he felt this way, but never acted on it. instead he used me for his potential dates.

"so, what? i'm like the second choice?" i asked anger dripping in my tone, catching him off guard.

he immediately shook his head as he reached out to touch me. his warm hand on my arm made my entire body light up. i swallowed hard as i looked up into his brown eyes, "no, god no. you're the choice i wish i would've chosen sooner." he breathed out.

now if i had any sense, i would have put up a better fight. however, after years of wishing for a moment like this, it was difficult to just back away from it.

"shawn, i've heard how you talk about girls and how easy you turn away from them," i looked down at my feet, "i just don't want to get hurt." i confessed softly.

his finger fell under my chin, forcing me to look back up at him, "truth is, i think i was looking for you in everybody else. i was too dumb to realize that the person i wanted was right in front of me," his finger fell from my chin, allowing his hand to cup my cheek, "and if you give me this chance, i promise i'll never hurt you." he assured as he stepped closer.

please don't make me regret this. i took a deep breath and tried to hold back my smile, "one chance." i said sternly.

"that's all i need."

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