all along

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the midnight air was dense as i got into my car. my body was exhausted from standing on my feet all day. i leaned my head against the steering wheel and contemplated on even driving home.

i put the key in the ignition to get some air flowing, and reached for my phone. i had three missed calls from my best friend, shawn. i then realized what i did.

"i am so sorry, i completely forgot." i said as soon as he picked up the phone. i ran my fingers through my hair as guilt set in. we were supposed to have dinner tonight, but i forgot and decided to pick up an extra shift at work.

"yeah, yeah. thanks for standing me up." i knew he was joking, but i could tell that he was upset.

"i'm sorry," i looked out at the almost empty parking deck as i tried to think of a solution, "i'll be at your house in about thirty." i hung up the phone and drove to the nearest gas station.

i grabbed both of our favorite snacks and drinks before heading there. it would be the perfect night to just watch movies and chill out. it was something we always did back in high school, but never really got the chance to do anymore.

shawn and i had been friends since preschool. nothing ever tore us apart, no matter what it was. he knew everything about me, seen everything, and has always been there for me. he was the only person i could really count on.

the door swung open revealing his shirtless body. i swallowed hard as i felt butterflies. i was insanely attracted to him, but i mean who isn't? of course i would never act on it, there was no way he could feel the same way. we were just strictly friends.

"we're having a movie night." i explained as i stepped in.

"are those snacks?" he asked sounding like a little kid bursting with excitement. i nodded and he immediately took the bag before leading me up to his room.

i smiled at his excitement and plopped down on his bed. we put on some tv show we had never seen before tearing into the bag.

"does this make up for it?" i asked propping myself
up on my arm as i stole one of his sour candies.

"i guess." he said sarcastically with a smile.

we had light conversation as we watched a few more episodes. i was getting really tired, and knew i wasn't gonna be able to drive home. i leaned back into the pillow and closed my eyes.

"do you want me to sleep downstairs?" shawn asked as he covered me with the blanket.

"are you serious?" i asked laughing slightly, "no, we've slept in the same bed numerous times, besides this is your house. if anything, i'll sleep on the couch." i said getting ready to get up.

he grabbed my hand making my heart flip in my chest. i swallowed hard and turned to look back at him, "i was just offering, lay back down." his voice was soft as he unwrapped his fingers from my wrist.

i nodded before getting cozy again. shawn turned off the tv and threw the snacks on the nightstand. he climbed up next to me and turned his back toward

"shawn," he hummed in response, "can i ask you something?" i asked fumbling with the blanket.

"you just did." he mumbled.

i hit his back lightly causing him to turn around. "do you think i should move back home?"

his eyebrows furrowed together slightly as he thought for a few seconds. "why would you?"

"i don't know," i shrugged, "i just feel lost here. i hate being alone, and i hate my job." i said softly.

"i know it's rough at first, but you'll get used to it. plus you'll always have me, no matter what. however, if you think you should move back, then go for it." he said in almost a whisper.

"yeah, you're right. plus, home wouldn't be the same without you." i said giving him a small smile.

his eyes watched me carefully, i knew something was on his mind. i felt his arm fall around me making me move closer.

"i have a question for you now," he said making me lift my head off his chest, "do you believe in love?"

"that was random," i said laughing softly, "but yes." his brown eyes bored into mine causing me to have no doubt in my answer. "what about you?"

shawn has never really dated anyone. he's been involved with girls, but nothing that seemed very serious. it always hurt whenever i saw him with them, or heard him speak about them. i never said anything, and just pushed it to the side. i knew that i shouldn't have felt that way.

"yeah, i just think i've been looking in the wrong place," his hand moved up my back as he spoke, "i think it was right in front of me all along."

my heart was beating out of my chest from his statement. i swallowed hard, realizing how close our faces were. his lips were inches away from mine, and i couldn't stop looking at them. he cupped my cheek in his hand before leaning in. i quickly closed the space, not wanting to lose the chance to have what i craved for so long.

his lips molded together with mine making my whole body ignite. he pulled me closer as he deepened the kiss causing me to melt into a puddle beside him. the feeling was indescribable. we pulled away breathlessly, both in slight shock.

"i should have done that a long time ago." he whispered against my lips.

"no kidding." i said before kissing him once more.

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