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alexa, play heather by conan gray

december 3rd:
the cool air welcomed me as i stepped out of my car. chills ran down my spine as the wind blew. snow crunched underneath my boots as i made my way to his front door.

before i could even knock, the door swung open revealing shawn. his messy brown curls covered his forehead, he had a black sweatshirt that fit him perfectly along with his gray sweatpants.

"it's about time you showed up." shawn said jokingly as he let me in his warm house.

"well, we both know i'm a horrible driver, so icy roads and i don't mix well." i said earning a light chuckle from him as he closed the door.

the house was quiet. shawn's mom had just left with  taaliyah, and his dad was on a business trip. which left just us, and it made my heart pound.

"come on, i'll show you my room." he said reminding me of a little kid. his hand met mine giving him the advantage to drag me up the stairs to his room.

after showing me his collection of cd's, and playing a few songs on his guitar it was starting to get late. i looked at my watch and figured i should be getting home soon.

"hello?" shawn said holding the phone to his ear.

"oh hey mom," he leaned back on his bed as he stared up at his ceiling, "yeah that's fine. no don't worry about it, okay. love you too." he plopped his phone down beside him before sitting up.

"i should probably get going." i said wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans.

"or you could stay. my mom won't be home until later tonight, and it's snowing pretty bad right now." shawn shrugged as he stood up.

"um," my parents wouldn't care, their not even home, and won't be until tomorrow. "yeah, okay."

"i have something you can change into," he pulled the second draw from his dresser and handed me a gray sweater and a pair of sweatpants. he then showed me where the bathroom was before heading back to his room.

i took a deep breath and quickly changed. the sweatpants required me to roll them a few times, and the sweater fell to my mid-thigh. i let my hair down from its pony tail causing it to fall to my shoulders. i sighed before walking  back to his bedroom.

his eyes studied me closely making a blush creep onto my cheeks. i bit my lip before sitting down beside him.

"it looks better on you, than it does me." he said with a cheeky grin.

i shook my head as smiled. my hair fell from behind my ear causing shawn to slowly push it back. his eyes met mine making my heart race. they flickered down to my lips as his inches closed closer. i slowly closed my eyes as his hand caressed my cheek.

his lips finally met mine making butterflies erupt in my stomach. his lips molded together with mine as he pulled me closer to him to deepen the kiss.

students poured out into the halls after the bell rang. shawn and i walked out of class, laughing at some joke he had made. i looked up to meet his eyes, only to find them fixated on something else.

i swallowed hard as he focused on her walking by. her dark curly locks fell slightly over her shoulder as she pulled it out of its bun, her lips curled into a smile as she saw shawn.

she has him mesmerized. she has for the past few months, and to be honest i can see why.

i forced a small smile before saying something he definitely wasn't paying attention to. i slipped into the crowd and made sure not to look behind me.

the sound of whistles and cheers from the student section made my head pound as i carried the snacks back to my spot. my stomach dropped when i realized that place was now taken heather.

i sighed and sat down a few rows behind them. i watched as she shivered slightly causing shawn to take off the sweater and hand it to her.

he wrapped his arm around her shoulder as i shivered from the crisp wind. i felt a lump grow in my throat causing me to quickly stand up and make my way out of the stands.

"y/n!" his voice called after me causing me to stop dead in my tracks.  i snapped my head to see him with a confused expression as he stopped.

"where are you going?" he asked slightly out of breath and pushing his brows together.

all of a sudden, i felt something break inside of me. i couldn't take it anymore.

"why would you ever kiss me? i'm not even half as pretty." i choked slightly on my words and realized that i probably sounded crazy.

"what are you talking about?" he asked shaking his head.

"you gave her your sweater." i felt tears slowly fall down my cheeks.

"it's just polyester." he explained stepping closer to me.

"but you like her better," i said softly as i backed away, "i wish i were heather."

and with that i turned on my heel and began walking out of the stadium. i ignored his call out for me and knew that once i walked out, there was no going back.

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