long distance

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"30 more seconds," i said as i watched the numbers decrease, "29!"

"hurry you're gonna miss the best part." my boyfriend, Shawn, said making me smile.

"you know what, it's fine if a few kernels don't make the cut." i said opening the microwave and taking out the hot bag of buttery deliciousness. i pulled the sides releasing the steam.

"Babe," shawn whined.

i laughed and shook my head, "I'm coming." i sat down on the couch and pulled my laptop onto my lap.

"there's my beautiful baby girl." shawn said smiling. i felt the blush creep onto my cheeks as i looked down at the computer screen. he smiled a bright smile revealing his perfectly straight teeth.

"so," i looked down trying to hide my red face, "what did I miss?" i asked gathering a handful of popcorn.

"the part where the family leaves to go Christmas shopping and he gets stuck in the attic." shawn explained.

"well what are you waiting for? Unpause the movie." I said making him laugh a little before he played our favorite Christmas movie, "the national lampoons Christmas vacation."

camila_cabello and 3,187,679 others liked this post  @shawnmendes- more beach trips together soon

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camila_cabello and 3,187,679 others liked this post
@shawnmendes- more beach trips together soon

@mendussy- ugh parents

@graysondolan- top this @ethandolan @_emmachamberlain

@y/ig/n- ❤️

I was cleaning up around the house when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my back pocket to see that shawn was calling. I smiled and swiped to answer.

"Hey babe." I said propping my phone up to my ear with my shoulder as I continued sweeping.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Just cleaning up a bit." I answered.

"Have you checked the mail today?" He asked making me push my brows together in confusion.

"Um, no. Why?" I asked propping the broom against the wall.

"Just wondering, I know you can be forgetful sometimes." He said laughing a little.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "I'm going to check it now." I opened the door revealing shawn standing with a wide smile with his phone in his hand.

"Surprise." He said with a bright smile as he stuffed his phone back in his pocket. I was beyond shocked. My jaw was practically on the floor. He wasn't supposed to come home for another month. He engulfed me in a hug making me melt in his arms.

"I missed you so much." I breathed out as I hugged him back tightly.

"I promise we'll never go that long without each other again." He said pulling away and cupping my cheeks with his warm large hands.

"Okay." I said making him smile before crashing his lips onto mine.

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