made to last

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the smell of dark roasted coffee and sweet baked goods welcomed me when i stepped into the warm coffee shop. it wasn't as busy as i expected it to be on a early Saturday morning. there were only three people in line, which meant the blueberry muffins were still available.

i stepped in like behind a very tall brunette boy. his head was titled back as he looked up at the menu that was written in colorful chalk. he stepped up in line when the woman that was in front of him moved away.

"can i have a green tea and 2 chocolate muffins." the all too familiar voice ordered. i froze in my place. Shawn. my ex boyfriend was ordering his usual right in front of me. i took a deep breath and secretly wished that he wouldn't turn around and see me.

of course he turned around and saw me. his brown eyes widened for a second, but his shocked expression was soon replaced with a cool and calm look. his pink plump lips smiled light before he said, "y/n, it's been a while. how have you been?" he was holding his large green tea in one hand and the bag of muffins in the other.

"i've been good, you?" i asked nervously.

"um," he shifted nervously, "do you want to go some place and talk."

"sure." i stepped out of line and followed shawn out of the coffee shop. i didn't really care that i was passing up on a warm cup of caffeine, my heart was already racing enough.

we walked out onto the crowded streets of new york. people passed by hand in hand or rushing somewhere with their phone to the ear.

"let's go somewhere less crowded." shawn said pulling his keys out of his pocket. we walked to his car that wasn't parked that far. i stretched the seatbelt across my body as shawn placed his drink  in the cup holder.

"I know you probably haven't had breakfast, so here." He handed me the bag of the sweet treat. I thought it was nice of him to offer, but I wasn't hungry at all. I was way to nervous to eat.

the ride was silent other than the soft music playing. shawn pulled into an old parking lot in front of a McDonald's. It was on the more quiet side. Shawn and I would come out here when we were together to get some peace. Some nights we would just sit in his car and listen to music in this very parking lot. We would just sit and talk, laugh, even cry.

"The last few months have been rough," i turned my head towards shawn. he was staring straight ahead, his jaw clenched as his brown eyes turned glossy, "I can't get my mind off of you,"  His eyes met mine making my heart race, "there were so many things i could of done or said, especially that night." he looked down and swallowed hard as he shook his head. "I made a mistake, but damnit y/n," he sighed and looked up, "i will do whatever it takes to have you back."

i didn't know what to say. shawn just told me what I've been wanting to hear for months now, and i didn't know how to respond. "I love you shawn, but-," his placed his index finger under my chin causing me to look up into his chocolate colored eyes.

He slowly leaned in causing my breathing to hitch. his eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes before he finally placed his warm lips on mine. the all too familiar feeling took over my body making it difficult to breathe. I quickly pulled away causing him to push his brows together as he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. He shook his head and turned back to face the steering wheel. I can't do this. I've spent way too much time trying to get over him.

But I'm not over him

I took a deep breath before placing my hand on Shawn's cheek causing him to turn his head quickly. Hope filled his eyes as I gave him a soft smile. "kiss me again." relief took over his face before he crashed his lips on mine. he kissed me passionately as his hands made their way to my waist.

somethings are made to last.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now