pumpkin patch

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I love fall so much
"Babe," I looked up from the sweet treats that I was working on to see my boyfriend buttoning up the last few buttons on his red and black flannel, "are your parents meeting us there?" he asked.

"yeah," I nodded and looked back down at the pumpkin Rice Krispie treats I was making, "I haven't seen you in a flannel in a long time." I said smiling a little.

He laughed softly, "Yeah I thought I left these back in 2015, but I guess not." He reached over me and grabbed a treat.

"Shawn," I scolded hitting his arm playfully, "These are for your mom and Aaliyah."

"One won't hurt." He said holding the treat with a smirk.

"Well then I guess you won't want warm muffins," I said turning off the oven and grabbing the mitts to take the muffin tray out.

"On second thought, I think that we should save these for mom." He said sitting the Rice Krispie treat back in the container.

I laughed and shook my head as I set the tray with the warm ooey- gooey chocolate muffins on the marble counter tops.

"I have to go get ready," I said taking the mitts off, "if I come back and half of the muffins are gone I'm going to beat you." I said as I walked past him.

"You love me too much to do anything to me." His muffled voice shouted as I walked up the stairs. I already knew he was devouring his favorite treat. I rolled my eyes with a smile.

I picked out a pair of black leggings, a gray sweater, and brown leather boots that stopped right before my knee. I took my hair out of the messy bun and plugged in my curling iron. As I waited for it to heat up I started on my makeup. I applied light foundation, and a warm brown eye look, followed by a nude colored matte lipstick. By the time I was done my curler was heated up and I started on my hair.

After about 30 minutes I was completely finished. I sprayed a few sprays of Tease from Victoria secret and then walked downstairs. Shawn was sitting on the couch scrolling through something on his phone.

"Are you ready?" I asked trying to find my purse.

He looked up from his phone and looked me up and down, "Damn babe, you look amazing." I felt his arm wrap around my waist as I looked for my phone in my purse.

I smiled and looked up into his brown eyes, "you're kinda cute too." I said making the corners of his mouth curved into a smile before he placed he leaned into to put lips on mine. He kissed me softly and gently. Shawn and I have been together for 3 years and he still manages to make my heart race whenever he kisses me.

the cool air air hit me as I got out of Shawn's Jeep. A big orange sign above us said, "Ben's Pumpkin Patch," in bold black writing. We were meeting both of our families here to spend a day looking for the perfect pumpkin to carve.

"Oh my god!" Shawn and I looked at each other with wide eyes. The familiar excitement from a little girl was the only thing I could hear. I braced myself for the tears of joy as she asked me to take a photo of her and Shawn. "You're y/n y/l/n!" Shawn looked at the girl with blonde hair and braces with confusion.

Her big blue eyes looked into mine with joy. I was just as confused as Shawn. No girl has ever been this excited to see me, "Uh," I pushed my brows together, "do you want a photo?" I didn't really know what to say.

"Only if you don't mind, you guys look like you might have something to do." She said looking back and forth from Shawn and I.

"Oh no hun, it's fine." Shawn assured. She smiled a bright smile and handed Shawn her phone causing me to try not to laugh at his reaction. We both posed for the picture and then she said hugged my tightly before saying her goodbyes.

"Looks like your not the popular one anymore Mendes." I said as we walked up to his parents.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He said rolling his eyes with a smile.

the sweet smell of cinnamon and vanilla filled my nose as i walked into the barn. i saw Aaliyah looking at a small white pumpkin as Karen and Manny talked to my Mom.

"Sorry it took so long, y/n had a fan." Shawn said. Karen smiled and brought Shawn into a hug.

"Now you're the popular one," my mom said making me laugh. We had so much in common even our humor was almost identical.

"Looks like you have competition now." She said before hugging me with a smile.

"Can we go find a pumpkin now." Aaliyah asked pitching into the conversation. 

"Yeah, come on." I said she smiled and walked beside me and Shawn. The rest of the family followed behind talking about any and everything.

Other families were searching for the best pumpkin with their sons and daughters. My eyes scanned over big orange ones and small white ones lookin for the best one.

"What about this babe?" I looked up from a pumpkin that had a broken stem to see Shawn holding up a medium sized pumpkin that had a few dark spots.

"We could do better." I said shaking my head. I moved onto the next row, and there it was the best pumpkin. it wasn't small, it wasn't huge it was just right. It was bright orange with no unusual marks or scratches. It was perfect.

"Shawn I found it!" I said holding it up excitedly.

Shawn and everyone laughed at how excited I was over a pumpkin, but I didn't care. I couldn't wait to beat Shawn at carving it.

"and," i bit my lip as I cut out the last piece of the zig-zag smile on the pumpkin, "I'm done." I said smiling looking down at the creepy pumpkin. He had triangles for eyes and a wide grin.

"Me too." Shawn said looking up with a smile.

"one the count of three," i said getting ready to turn it around.

"1," i started.

"2," He said.

"3." We both said at the same time as we turned them around. My heart stopped when I read 4 the words he carved into the pumpkin.

"Y/n," he stood up from the his side of the table and walked over to me before bending down on one knee in front of me, "I have loved you for 3 years and I'm ready to start the next chapter of our life together, so," he reached into the pocket of his black skinny jeans and said, "will you marry me?"

tears were streaming down my face, my hands were shaking, my whole body was full of excitement and joy, "yes, yes of course!" I said making him smile the biggest and brightest smile I have ever seen on his face. He slid the gorgeous diamond ring on my finger before cupping my cheeks and crashing his lips on mine.

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