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here's me using an old idea and still trying to make it better

the flames from the candles lit up the dark room, giving it a warm and cozy feeling. the blanket that was wrapped around my body was the only thing giving me warmth anymore. my eyes watched the rain drops racing down the window as thoughts wandered through my mind.

i wonder where he is right now. or who he's with.

my phone buzzed interrupting my toxic thoughts. the screen made me immediately squint my eyes i cussed faintly under my breath as i tried to get my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

amber- hey, i got a little too hammered can you pick me up?

i shook my head as i smiled a little. i knew this was going to happen, it always does.

to amber- send me the address

i hopped out of bed and pulled my hair up before finding a pair of shoes. i grabbed my keys and clicked on ambers location before walking out the door.

soft music played through the speakers as i turned into the subdivision. i immediately knew which house it was, toilet paper strung from the tall trees, empty solo cups scattered all along the lawn, and cars piled into the driveway.

i sighed and tried to remember why i ever liked going to parties. i quickly made my way through the crowd to find amber, when i finally saw her my stomach dropped.

there he was beside her. the beer bottle in his hand shook slightly as his grip tightened around it, his eyes bored into my own as amber looked between us clearly shocked.

"you can find another ride home." i spat as my so called boyfriend let his arm unwrap itself from her waist.

"y/n, wait." i shook my head and stormed away as he chased after me. "come on, nothing even happened. don't be like this."

i stopped dead in my tracks and quickly turned around, "nothing happened? okay, then why did you lie and say you were with your parents this weekend, and why did you have her glued to your side? i should of known." i shook my head and laughed bitterly.

"do you really want to go there? what about you and that boy?" he asked tilting his head a little as he moved closer.

"i'm not doing this again." i pushed my hair back as i turned to walk away. his hand quickly grabbed my arm and yanked me back.

"let go of me travis." i said trying my best to get out of his grip.

"no, not until you admit you cheated on me with-,"

suddenly my arm was free, and my view of travis was blocked my another person. relief washed over me when i realized who it was.

"leave her alone man." his deep voice rang through my ears slowing down my rapid heart beat.

"well what do you know, shawn is here to save the day once again. since she doesn't want to tell me the truth, you can." travis shoved Shawn's shoulder back slightly, but he didn't budge.

"i know you two have been sleeping together." he slurred with a sad smile.

"travis go inside." shawn demanded.

travis looked at me disappointedly before turning his attention back to shawn, "shes a slut anyway."

that's when it all went down. shawn's anger got the best of him, and resulted with travis' body meeting the hard concrete. shawn's clenched fist collided with travis' face repeatedly until blood began to flow, and a crowd started to form.

anything between that and when i got home is a blur. suddenly i was just cleaning shawn's cuts with a rag in my small bathroom. i reached above his head to grab the peroxide, his eyes followed my every move making me beyond nervous.

"alright, this is just going to bubble for a few seconds." i told him.

"oh please, you act like i've never had-," he groaned as i poured the peroxide onto his cut.

i had to hold back a laugh as he shot me a death glare, "it's not supposed to burn." he mumbled.

"come on shawn." i said shaking my head before leading him up to my room. i had an old t-shirt that would fit him.

"please don't tell me this was his old t-shirt." he said looking at me slightly sad.

"no, it was my brothers." i said shaking my head before taking my shoes off.

i watched as shawn pulled his shirt over his head. his toned abs stared at me until shawn slipped the fresh shirt over them. i swallowed hard and quickly looked away.

"so, how are you? i know that you went through a lot
tonight." he said after clearing his throat and tossing the shirt on the floor.

"i'm okay, i knew it was going to happen eventually just not like that." i shrugged.

"i know, but hey on the bright side i beat his ass." he said with a smirk.

"yikes, i'm pretty sure he beat yours." i held back a smile as i let the smart comment roll off my tongue. i watch as his smile faded and an expression of hurt hit him. i immediately felt bad and took his large hand in mine. "i'm totally kidding shawn, you won for sure." i said earning the smile back.

his eyes trailed from our connected hands to my eyes. i took a deep breath as his grip tightened around my body. his free hand began to trace up my arm before cupping my face. shawn quickly stood up so that he was no towering over me.

before i knew it, his lips were on mine. i pulled him even closer and deepened the kiss. a warm fuzzy feeling made my chest tighten as i got lost in the moment with him.

"i should of done that a long time ago." shawn said resting his forehead against mine as he breathed heavily.

i smiled before placing a kiss on his cheek, "do you want to stay tonight?" i asked nervously.

"i'll go make popcorn." he said with a dorky smile as he let go of my hand and ran downstairs like a little

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