the polaroid

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this is a random idea i got in my reading class 😂

it was finally the day. i was finally going to the kings of leon concert. my friend and i have been waiting to go for the past three months. i was curling the last piece of my hair when she walked into the bathroom.

"you ready to lose our voice?" she asked smiling a little as she set her makeup bag down on the bathroom sink.

"yes," i said excitedly, "i've been ready." I ran my fingers through the tight curls to let them fall into waves. she was applying her mascara and was almost finished. i decided to check my phone while i waited for her to finish. i plopped down my on my bed and scrolled through twitter.

"you ready?" she asked coming back into the bedroom. she was wearing a black crop top that showed off her tan flat stomach, she had on white ripped skinny jeans and black converses.

"uh," i looked down at what i was wearing and became self conscious. a black leather jacket covered a silky white t-shirt, my light blue jeans had a few rips in them, and white slip on vans. "yeah." i said sighing before hopping up. i stuffed my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my car keys.

mia came to a sudden stop in front of me before we walked down the stairs. "i almost forgot the camera." she said rushing past me. she picked up the lime green polaroid and stuffed it in her purse.

she took it with her everywhere. we have so many photos from all the trips and things we've done it's crazy. she never goes anywhere without it.

after getting our merch we made our way to our seats. we were pretty close to the stage. popular songs played throughout the stadium as people started coming in. it was already pretty much packed. the lights were dim making it difficult to see.

before long the lights cut off completely and the familiar electric guitar tune to "sex on fire," echoed through the stadium. i looked over at the two guys sitting beside us. one guy had dark hair pushed back a little and glasses. the taller guy that was sitting beside me had brown curly hair that was styled perfectly, his skin was light but his cheeks had a faint hint of pink to them. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows revealing a beautiful tattoo on his forearm.

screams and shouts erupted as the lights shined on the band. Mia and I started dancing and singing the lyrics loudly.

there was a small silence as we waited for the next song. "hey, will you take a photo of us?" mia asked the very attractive boy that was beside me.

"of course." he said smiling a little as he took the camera from her hand. we both posed and the sound of the camera clicking and flash signaled he took the photo.

just as he was handing the camera back to mia the song, "use somebody," began playing. the crowd went crazy, and so did i. mia tossed the camera in her bag and joined me in jumping up and down to the song.

the concert unfortunately came to an end. everyone poured out of the stadium. mia and i pushed our way through the crowds and found our way to our car.

"hey, wait!" i stopped just as i was about to open the car door. i turned around to see the boy jogging over to me. i pushed my brows together in confusion. "you dropped this." he handing me the Polaroid with a small smile.

i smiled as i took it from his hand that had a beautiful tattoo of a bird between his thumb and index finger. he gave me wink and a small nod before walking off with his friend.

i got into Mia's car and flipped the picture over to see a 10 digit number written in black ink.

you're really pretty and have great music taste, text me sometime.

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