take our time

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"oh hello shawn," i sighed as i heard my mom's voice get closer to my room. she held the phone out with a sad look in her eyes. i shook my head causing her to sigh as she brought the old phone, she insisted on keeping, to her ear, "she's asleep right now, can i get her to call you back."

that was the third time he's called this afternoon. which makes it around the seventeenth time he's called this week. can he not catch on?

"i'm starting to run out of excuses." my mom said once the call ended.

"i know." i said sitting up in my bed and brushing my frizzy hair out of my face.

"you need to talk to him, or just tell him why you're not talking to him. he deserves to at least know." she said trying to convince me once again.

i knew she was right, but i knew i couldn't. i was doing him a favor by not seeing or talking to him. it was better this way.

my mom eventually gave up and decided to order some food. i laid back down in the warm comfort of my bed that i've grown very fond of lately. it seemed to be my safe haven as of now.

1 week later

"dark roast." i told the barista as i stood in the warm coffee shop. she nodded before telling my total. i handed her the money and stood to the side as i waited for my drink. the bell above the door rang nonstop as the morning regulars made their way in.

"just one muffin." a familiar voice said making my body instantly heat up. i saw his fall figure from the corner of my eye making me instantly regret waking up this early.

"y/n." the barista called out making shawn's head turn in my direction. great.

i quickly grabbed my drink and made sure not to make eye contact or even look in his direction. just when i thought i had made a successful run for it, i heard him calling after me.

i stopped and finally gave in. i turned around to see a person i hardly recognized. his curls messier than usual, his skin was pale, and no longer had the rose tint in his cheeks.

"can we please talk?" his voice was full of desperation and eager making my chest ache.

"i'm sorry, this isn't really a good time." i lied, something i was getting dangerously good at.

"then when is y/n. it's been almost two weeks now since you decided to just ghost me. at least give me an explanation." he demanded making me sigh.

"shawn, you wouldn't understand." i said shaking my head before trying to push past him to get away from the situation.

"try me." he said wrapping his fingers around my forearm lightly to grab my attention.

i took a deep breath as i stopped and met his eyes, "i'm scared." i admitted.

his eyes were full of confusion, his brows furrowed as his hand quickly fell from my arm, "of me?" his voice was soft and almost sounded hurt.

"not in a physical way or anything like that. i just," i paused as i tired to find the right words to say, "i'm scared of getting attached to you and falling for you. i don't want to get hurt, and i don't want to get involved with the life you have."

"i would never hurt you, and i know that the press and fans can be a lot but we can handle them. you won't have to worry about that." he said making me feel a little better.

"no," i shook my head before i let myself cave in, "i can't do that to myself."

"y/n, you can't let yourself not be happy. i know you're happy with me, so don't even try to lie about that. just let me in, please." he begged making warm tears begin to form in my eyes.

i knew he was right. he made me beyond happy and i've missed him. i can't keep lying to myself.

"okay," i said stepping closer to him, "but we're going to have to take our time."

"of course, i promise." he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him. i closed my eyes tightly before hugging him back. his cologne welcoming me gently as i took him in.

maybe waking up early was a good idea.

okay so i need your guy's opinion. i want to make the "third wheeling" series into an actual book. i feel like i could make it way longer and have much more detail, but i'm not sure if you guys would read so just let me know :)

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