ferris wheel

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since it's fair szn and also bc i went to the fair last night and their were so many cute guys, enjoy :)

the cool air bit at my cheeks as i made my way through the crowds of anxious people waiting to get on the boat ride. it was a friday night, and literally everyone in my small town was at the fair. the smell of sweet fried dough lingered through the air as i stopped in front of the brightly lit Ferris wheel.

i was with my best friend and her boyfriend. it sucked that i was third wheeling, but i didn't want to miss out on all of the rides. plus third wheeling with them wasn't that bad. the only bad thing about it was that i would have to ride some things with a complete stranger, but it was only for a few minutes.

"we have to get a caramel apple after this." sam said wrapping his arm around alyssa.

"and popcorn." alyssa said tilting her head up to look at him. he nodded and used his other hand to fix his hair that was being tossed around by the wind.

i stuffed my hands into my sweatshirt and looked up at the tall circle rotating slowly. the line was moving slowly but it wouldn't take long for us to get on. the two girls in front of us kept looking back and smiling and giggling.

my eyes wandered to where they were looking to see a tall brunette in a olive colored sweatshirt. he was standing by himself with his arms crossed over his chest. his brown eyes were studying the ferris wheel. his cheeks had a slight rosy tone to them making him look even more attractive.

i looked away afraid that he would catch me staring. my eyes fell to my shoes as we moved along in line. it took about 20 minutes until we were the next to get on. alyssa and sam entered the seat in front of me. i took a deep breath as i slid across the white seat.

i was looking out of the small window beside me when a deep voice asked, "mind if i ride with you?"

i quickly looked over to see the boy from earlier with a shy smile. i swallowed hard, "i don't mind." i moved over a little making more room for him.

the older guy that was in charge of the ride closed the door before checking everyone else's. once he was done the ride stared. the boy seemed to tense up a bit when we started moving.

"are you okay?" i asked looking over at him concerned.

"Uh," he laughed a little, "Yeah, i'm just scared of heights."

"well i hate to break it to you, but this is the worst ride if you're afraid of heights." i said looking out at all of the lit up rides below us.

"Yeah, that's why I chose it," he said moving a little shaking the seat, "see i want to get over my fear, so i figured this would be the best thing to do." his eyes scanned over the sight ahead of us.

"good idea." i said smiling a little.

"thanks," he looked down at me, "I'm shawn by the way."

"Y/n," i told him.

"you know you're pretty  brave since you were going to ride this by yourself." he said as we came to a stop.

"heights don't brother me that much," i shrugged, "besides i've been riding rides by myself all night."

"did you come by yourself?" he questioned pushing his eyebrows together.

"oh no," i shook my head, "i came with my friend and her boyfriend." i said. we started moving again making us go even higher.

"ah," he nodded, "the third wheel."

i sighed and smiled, "yes, the third wheel."

"well at least you aren't by yourself on this ride." he said licking his lips and giving me a side smile.

"yeah, and it's a good thing they didn't stick me with some psycho." i said looking to the left to see the long line beneath us.

"yeah, i hear psychos love fairs." he said making me laugh, a real genuine laugh.

"yeah, it's their favorite time of the year." i said causing his laugh to echo through my ears.

the ride went by so fast i didn't even realize it was almost over until shawn said, "have you rode the music express yet?"

"no," sam and alyssa were stepping out onto the platform as we came to a stop, "not yet."

"me neither, want to ride that with me? that way you don't get stuck with a psycho." He asked making my heart flutter.

I smiled, "only because I don't want to get stuck with a psycho."

the guy from earlier opened the door letting us out, "right, you won't want to squish them." shawn said as we walked down the stairs. i laughed and shook my head.

"hey y/n, uh," alyssa's eyes fell to shawn.

"i'm shawn." He said sticking his hand out.

Sam shook Shawn's hand and said, "I'm sam, and this is my girlfriend alyssa."

Shawn gave them a small smile, "do you guys mind if I borrow y/n for a few rides?"

Alyssa gave me a look to make sure I was okay with it. I nodded slightly making her smile, "of course, Sam and I were just about to get a caramel apple anyways."

who knew that a Ferris wheel would be the place that i would meet the love of my life?

Just to clear up the last part in case you don't understand they hit it off and ended up together 😂

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