something else

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the corner of his plump lips slowly curved into a smile in response to my comment. he shook his head slowly, his dark curls fell over his forehead as he looked down at his hands.

"you're something else, you know that?" he asked tilting his head up with a brow raised.

i shrugged, "so i've been told." i felt my phone vibrate causing me to suck in a deep breath.

my eyes glanced over the message. sadness quickly settled in my chest causing me to release my breath.

babe- hey, i'm abt to head over.

i wiped my palms on my jeans as i slowly stood to my feet. shawn's smile faded from his lips as he cleared his throat.

"i'm guessing that's him, solely off of the look on your face." he said dryly as he avoided my eyes.

"yeah," i said tucking my hair behind my ear before sliding my phone in my back pocket, "i guess i should probably go."

as i turned on my heel, he suddenly stopped me. his fingers wrapped themselves around my wrist causing me to snap back around.

his brown eyes locked with mine. there was a look i had only seen once. the pain across his face made my chest ache.

"i promised myself i would never disrespect your relationship unless you weren't happy, so tell me are you happy?" the question seemed to suck out any ounce of air in my chest.

i stumbled back as my mind suddenly quit working. the response was supposed to be simple. i was happy with my long term boyfriend, right?

it had been eating me alive for weeks now. i hadn't been happy with him for a long time, but i tried to convince myself it was just a phase. he was just going through something and that excused his rude behaviors. however, deep down i knew that wasn't the case.

"no." the truth escaped my mouth with ease. instead of guilt trailing behind it, relief washed over me.

shawn's face softened as realization set in. it was like he had suspected it, and now i just confirmed it.

"then leave him." the change to urgency and demand caused my brows to furrow together.

i had known shawn for years, and i had never seen him act this way. there was something going on, much deeper than concern.

"why?" the question could retain to our statement or his actions. i decided to let him figure it out without further detail.

his hand fell from my wrist, and ran through his hair. his eyes stared off at something in the distance as his mind raced.

"i- i," he stumbled over his words before he took a deep breath, "i just don't like seeing you this way. you're not as happy as you usually are, you've spent multiple nights just this week crying, and this is the most i've been able to see you in months. this isn't my best friend." he said shaking his head after his rant.

he was right. everything he said was what i had buried down, and convinced myself it was normal. i stepped closer to him as i continued to process his words.

"it's not that easy." i told him softly.

"bullshit," he said sternly, "you deserve the best, and you're not getting it. that's all you'd have to tell him." he said making it sound a lot simpler than it actually is.

"shawn," there were so many things i could have said in that moment, but the words that left my tongue were none that i should've said, "i have to go."

pt. 2?

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