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the days seemed longer now that he wasn't around. there was only so many things i could do to entertain myself. i was starting to run out.

i knew that it would be like this, but it seems to be getting more difficult. i missed him so much. of course we talked as much as we could, but when you're touring the world, it gets hard.

today was especially difficult. it was almost noon, and i hadn't heard from him at all. it was strange, but i just figured it was a time zone issue.

i was cleaning up the house when i heard my phone ring. i practically threw myself to answer it. i felt my stomach drop when i saw it was my mom.

"hello?" i asked out of breath.

"hey sweetie, how are you?" she asked making me feel bad.

"i'm doing okay. i feel like i'm about to go insane though." i said laughing lightly.

"i was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat, it could give us some time to catch up." she a said through the static in the speakers.

my mom and i used to be very close, but recently i've seemed to cut everyone out. i knew it wasn't the right thing to do, but i had just wanted to be left alone. i was beginning to regret it now.

"yeah, i'd love to. wanna meet there?" i asked placing my phone on my shoulder.

we both agreed on a place and time before ending the call. i went to take a shower and get ready. i haven't got dressed up in awhile, so i took this as an opportunity to put on my face and look good.

we spent lunch making small talk and catching up. after we left, we went to a few shops. it was nice to get out of the house, but i kept thinking about shawn being here.

"i'm glad we did this." my mom said as she put her bags into the car.

"me too." i said giving a soft smile before she brought me into a hug.

as i drove home, the lonely feeling began to creep back in. i checked my phone at a red light, but i still had nothing from shawn. i sighed and continued driving home.

i parked in the driveway, and grabbed all my belongings before making my way up to the steps. i opened the door to the dark house and tossed my keys down. i slipped off my shoes and made my way up to the bedroom.

rose petals covered the floor. i pushed my brows together in confusion as i opened the door. my mouth dropped at the sight of shawn sitting on the bed with a huge grin. i practically jumped into his arms, causing his deep laugh to vibrate against me. i felt tears start to flow down my face.

"you're really here," i said holding his face in my hands. his brown eyes looked into mine as he smiled. he used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away my tears.

"i am, and i'm not going anywhere without you ever again." he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly. "i've missed you so much." he mumbled against my lips. i took in a deep breath and smiled before crashing my lips onto his.

he was home, and i wasn't letting him go anytime soon.

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