First Impressions

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Tsuki opened her eyes and quickly recognized that she was laying in a bed with her body feeling rejuvenated and strong again for the first time in three years. Her line of sight made its way to the foot of her bed where she saw a hazy figure standing and looking at her. But before her eyes were able to fully focus, she decided to play it safe and assume it was Orochimaru.

With her newfound strength, she attacked,"OROCHIMARU!"

She threw a series of punches that were instantly met with a block from the figure.

"Their taijutsu styles are identical!" Shizune said from behind them.

Tsuki lifted her leg to kick into the figure's spleen in an attempt to rupture it, but Kakashi grabbed her leg and pinned it to his body, dispelling the force of her attack.

"Stop!" He demanded,"We're not trying to hurt you!"

Tsuki's daze began to clear as her eyes finally focused on the figure's face. He had spikey silver hair that was being held up by a Leaf Village headband. He was wearing a mask that covered his mouth and nose, while the headband was pulled down to cover his left eye. She looked down to see that he was the one that immobilized her leg.

"Sakumo-sensei?" Tsuki finished blinking her eyes awake,"Wait, no, you're not him, you're my age. Where am I? Did I.....did I make it to the Leaf Village?"

"What did you just say?" the silver-haired jonin asked with disbelief in his voice.

Tsuki, who was still slightly dazed, look passed Kakashi and her eyes focused on the woman behind him, immediately recognizing the familiar face.

"Lady Tsunade!" Tsuki's shoulder brushed against Kakashi's as she pushed past him to run up to the Fifth Hokage and embrace her with a warm hug

"It's great to see you awake, Tsuki, but you need to get back in bed. Your body hasn't fully recovered yet!" Tsunade hugged her back. Without hesitation, Tsuki returned to the hard hospital bed, listening to the advice of the expert medical ninja.

Kakashi kept his hands in his pockets as he watched Tsunade sit at her bedside to talk to her.

'Sakumo-sensei?' he thought as he momentarily suspended his questions for Tsunade to speak.

"Tsuki, you've been missing for almost three years!" Tsunade explained,"I thought you had died with the rest of your clan when Orochimaru attacked."

Tsuki's relieved and excited mood turned somber as she thought back to that fateful day. The day Orochimaru took the village of Godai by surprise and committed genocide against the Kuraku clan.

"I almost wish I had died." she grumbled,"He gave me this curse mark so I couldn't fight back. After he killed my entire clan, he took me captive and brought me back to his hideout where he and Kabuto did experiments on me in an attempt to harness my kekkei genkai. He tortured me by having his snakes bite me only to give me the antidote by the end of the day so I wouldn't die. The curse mark made it impossible for me to infuse chakra to fight back and escape."

Tsuki shuddered as she remembered the moment her parents were slashed down in front of her as she helplessly writhed on the floor from the pain of the fresh curse mark.

"I see..." Tsunade responded.

"Then how did you end up here?" Kakashi asked

Tsuki's eyes darted over at the sound of him suddenly joining in on the conversation. She looked into his single grey exposed eye,"How long have I been out?"

"Only about 5 hours since you first arrived." He replied, looking back into her ocean blue eyes.

Tsuki quickly did the math in her head,"Then a little over three days ago, Orochimaru's apprentice set me free..."

Shizune spoke up this time,"Kabuto set you free?! That's difficult to believe."

"No it wasn't Kabuto" She said correcting her,"It was Sasuke... Sasuke Uchiha"

They all gasped.

"Sasuke Uchiha?" Kakashi asked, making sure he heard her correctly.

"Yes!" Tsuki replied,"One day he came into my cell and as he undid my chains he said..

"I, more than anyone else, understands the pain of losing your entire clan." Sasuke explained,"So here's my way of helping you get back at Orochimaru for doing that to yours." The chains slammed on the floor as they came off.

*Back to present*
"Then he led me to the exit of the hideout, pointed me this way and said to run in that direction for three days where I'd reach the Hidden Leaf Village and be safe from Orochimaru. He even said there was a jonin here that could seal the curse mark! So I just...ran. Those three days were kind of a blur. I'm surprised I made it all the way here to be honest with you."

"I see..." Lady Tsunade contemplated on everything Tsuki just explained. She pointed her thumb at Kakashi,"Well luckily the jonin who can seal the curse mark is right here."

Tsuki looked back over to the silver-haried jonin.

"Tsuki," Tsunade continued,"This is Kakashi, head jonin of the Leaf Village. Tsuki."

"Nice to meet you." They said simultaneously nodding their heads in greetings

"Sorry I attacked you..." Tsuki said awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck,"Not exactly my greatest first impression for my arrival here. So can we seal the curse mark now?"

"Slow down, Tsuki!" Tsunade interrupted,"You should take the night to recover. Get some sleep, then in the morning Kakashi will come and seal the curse mark and bring you down to the Intel division for more questioning."

Knowing the interrogation was likely to keep the village safe, Tsuki nodded,"Understood Lady Tsunade. Thank you for everything so far."

Tsunade turned her attention back to Kakashi,"Be back here in the morning. I'm going to have two ANBU guard her in the meantime."

Everyone agreed and went their separate ways.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now