Retrieving the Moonstone Pt. 2 (🍋)

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The Hatake clan woke at the sound of knocking on the door.

"KAKASHI-SENSEI! Can we take Kai and Kanari to breakfast?!" Naruto yelled from the other side.

Tsuki rubbed her eyes as she walked across the hotel room and opened the door. It was Naruto, Sakura, Ten-Ten, and Rock Lee.

"Can weee?" Sakura said clasping her hands together.

"I don't mind. What do you think Kashi?" Tsuki looked back at Kakashi who was still laying in bed. The twins got up and scrambled to the travel packs their parents brought and pulled out clothes.

"As long as you don't go too far.." Kakashi said rolling over in bed and closing his eyes.

Tsuki helped the twins get dressed and ready and turned them over to Naruto and his friends.

"We're gonna finish packing up and probably grab some breakfast in a little bit." Tsuki said with a smile,"Be careful you two. Be on your best behavior."

"Yes, mommy!" Kai and Kanari said in unison.

The door closed and Tsuki stood for a moment to make sure they weren't coming back.

She bolted to the bed, Kakashi threw the covers off him and tore his pants and boxers down and removed his mask before sitting up to make room for Tsuki, silently telling her to lay in front of him.

Tsuki quickly shed her clothes and left them in a pile next to the bed.

She laid down in front of Kakashi and spread her legs.

"Hurry! Hurry! Put it in!" Tsuki said urgently.

Kakashi spit on his hand and spread his saliva across the tip of his hard dick to lube himself up to fuck Tsuki,"What do you think I'm doing?!" He said while grabbing onto her hips and pulling her lower half towards his.

He plunged into her heat. They were both desperate to have sex, but they likely didn't have time to take their time, so they were frantic.

"All the way in, Kashi!" Tsuki urged him to slip deeper inside her.

"I'm working on it!" He said,"Ahh! Fuck!" He gasped once he bottomed out.

He started moving his hips back and forth.

"A.... the.....left!" Tsuki grunted out with each thrust he hit her with.

Kakashi obliged her request and changed his movements and moaned at the feeling of her pussy clamping down around his cock.

"F-faster, Kashi!" Tsuki gripped onto the sheets in pleasure. Kakashi picked up his pace.

" fucking.... needy..." He grunted and leaned forward to grab the headboard to fuck into her deeper and faster. She felt so good to him right now. He always wanted to give her what she wanted.

"God, don't stop, Kashi. Please don't stop!" Tsuki begged as one hand ran up his chest and hooked around his shoulder.

Kakashi groaned at the tickling feeling of her hand grazing his skin,"I wasn't planning on stopping!" He said sarcastically.

"Hehehe.. Oh......fuck!" Tsuki laughed at his joke, but was quickly reminded of how good he was making her feel.

Kakashi laughed back and grabbed her waist and was practically pushing and pulling her body onto his cock. He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth making him release a sigh of pleasure from his nose.

He buried his face in her neck. Tsuki's whole body felt hot hearing him moan so loudly and openly into her ear. She loved hearing him be so vocal and make so much noise, it reassured her that he was really enjoying himself, just as much as she was.

"Oh fuck.... I needed this so bad, honey." He breathed out. Kakashi's mind turned to mush, he couldn't think. It's like he only had two brain cells left. One was focused on making Tsuki cum while the other was focused on making himself cum.

Tsuki wrapped her legs around his waist,"Me too, Kashi."

"I'm gonna c-cum!" Tsuki said frantically digging her nails into his back. She came with a gutteral moan and became squirmy underneath Kakashi.

"Keep still!" He scolded as he held onto her hips to stop her squirming,"I'm not done yet!"

"Wait don't cum in me!" Tsuki said panting.

"What?! Why not?!" Kakashi was dangerously close to finishing as he kept roughly bucking into her hips.

"We're about to leave! I don't to be all gross for the whole day!"

"Ugh, fine!" Kakashi pouted and reluctantly pulled out too cum all over Tsuki's stomach with a groan.

Kakashi collapsed on the bed, panting, trying to catch his breath.

"I didn't think we'd get a chance to do that on this mission.." Tsuki said smiling

Kakashi looked over a felt his heart skip a beat seeing her beautiful flushed face smiling back at him. She still gave him butterflies.

"We better get rockin' and rollin'" Kakashi said

"Okay the kids aren't here, you don't have to be such a dad.." Tsuki joked.

"Mommy can I ride on big brother Naruto's shoulders?!" Kai asked.

"Go ahead, baby." Tsuki kissed her son's forehead while she straightened out his collar.

"Come here, buddy!" Naruto outstretched his arms inviting Kai to run to him. Kai ran and jumped and Naruto set him on his shoulders

"Daddy! Daddy!" Kanari yelled as she held her hands up to Kakashi. Kakashi bent down and picked up his daughter and set her on his shoulders. She grabbed ahold of his hair and tugged it to turn his head to the left,"That's way!" She yelled pointing in a new direction.

"Okay let's get a move on everyone!" Tsuki said as the group began they journey once again.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now