Lunch Date

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"He said he could spare sending Temari and Kankuro as well as four chunins. On our end, we can send team seven, team ten including myself, Rock Lee, Ten-ten, and of course, Lady Hatake and yourself, Lord Kakashi." Shikamaru said

"So a total of 16 people?" Tsuki said.

"Correct. And it seems like a fairly well rounded group, we have close, mid, and long range fighters. Taijutsu specialists, ninjutsu specialists and medics." He replied

"We may want to add one or two sensory ninja to the group to detect incoming enemies." Kakashi added

"I'm sure I could find at least one spare sensory ninja available." Shikamaru said

"We would need to come up with some kind of formation that keeps Kai, Kanari, and the moonstone protected while still letting Kanari lead the way." Tsuki said.

"We could have the sensory ninja at the back with one combat ninja, so they could detect the enemy without getting in the way." Kakashi said.

"Then the majority of the combat ninja behind us and a couple up front with us, while we hold the twins, Kashi?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking.." he said spinning around in his chair.

"So who would hold the moonstone?" Tsuki asked.

"I don't think it should be either one of you." Shikamaru chimed in,"For two reasons, if we do run into Shin, it would be an obvious assumption to think that one of you would be holding the stone. That, and I don't think Kai should come into close contact with it. Who knows what would happen if he touched it, since he doesn't necessarily know how to control this power."

"That's a good point." Kakashi said,"I'll think about it more, in the meantime can you track down a sensory ninja to go? I'd like to get this mission going by the end of the week.."

"Sure thing, Lord Sixth." Shikamaru said as he began to walk towards the exit.

"DROP THE LORD." Kakashi said loudly. Shikamaru ignores him and closed the door behind him.

"I have a bad feeling about this mission." Tsuki said looking over at the stroller containing the sleeping twins.

"Well of course, it involves our children. Anything that could even remotely, potentially put them in harm's way is going to stress us out." Kakashi replied rubbing his temples,"And believe me when I say I'm fucking stressing about this."

"To think that Shin almost took Kai and Kana away from us once terrifies me that he's going to try it again."

"Ugh, I swear I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch for attempting to take my son and daughter." Kakashi balled up his fists before forcing himself to relax.

"Well let's hope we don't even run into him." Tsuki walked around and rubbed Kakashi's shoulders making him sigh and lean back into his chair,"We just gotta think positively. We need to manifest that nothing bad is gonna happen and that everything is gonna go off without a hitch, right?"

Kakashi put one of his hands on hers,"I guess you're right."

"Wanna go out for lunch?" Tsuki said kissing him on the cheek.

"Sure, love." Kakashi replied with a closed eye smile.

Tsuki was pushing the stroller with Kakashi at her side with his hands in his pockets as they walked down the street towards their favorite sushi restaurant.

Kakashi removed his Hokage's cloak to be less obvious, but that still didn't stop the stares and whispers they would get every time they left the house. They learned to ignore them, but some things they overhead, mostly when women swooning over Kakashi or men trying to covertly check out Tsuki, would make them either laugh or roll their eyes.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now