Fighting the Ozawa Pt. 2

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Tsuki fell to her knees grabbing at the curse mark, Shin stabbed Tsuki in the side with a kunai and kicked her off the top of the waterfall.

One of Kakashi's shadow clones caught her mid-air.

"Tsuki, are you okay?!" Kakashi'd clone asked looking at the knife in her side.

She couldn't even feel it, she was too worried about the twins,"Our babies, Kashi! What's happening to our babies?!"

"I.... I don't know Tsuki." He said with somber tone.

His real self has removed a kunai with attached ninja wire from his pouch and swung it to spike into the ground near the twins, he was slowly but surely pulling his way towards them.

The beam of light that was shining down and the force that was pushing them bsck disappeared as loud thunder cracked through the sky followed by lightning that made it's way towards the twins. Kakashi panicked and jumped in between the twins laying on the ground and absorbed the bolt of lightning into his hands, much like he did when Kakuzu almost killed him before.

Sakura had run up and was already performing medical ninjutsu on the stab wound in Tsuki's side, but she was still writhing in pain at the curse mark that had almost completely taken over her face.

"Tsuki, you need to stop infusing chakra!" Kakashi's clone grabbed her face and looked into her Chojougan eye that was still black.

"But....the... Kaimetsu!!" Tsuki said with a strained voice. She was determined to take control of the Kaimetsu Chojougan so that Shin couldn't.

"We're gonna have to find another way, Tsuki, you won't be able to control it with the curse mark." He said firmly.

Meanwhile, back over near the twins, the lightning bolt that had rained down on them stopped as Kakashi absorbed the last bit of it. He laid there with his hands in the air, panting, trying to catch his breath. Then it hit him.

'The twins!' he though as he sprung to his knees and looked at them. Their eyes were closed and he couldn't tell if they were breathing or not.

"Oh God......" He said as he picked up Kanari, she was limp,"Oh God, no....please..." Tears were welling up in his eyes. He tried to shake Kai awake, he wasn't moving. He picked up his arm and let go, it was flaccid and it just fell back to the ground.

"Nononono....." Kakashi pleaded,"Kai, Kanari open your eyes...." He lifted their eyelids to open them.

There was no life behind them.

Kakashi felt like his soul left his body,"Kai Sakumo and Kanari Misaki Hatake you better open your eyes right now or your grounded..." He clutched onto their little bodies, hoping he would feel their little hands grab onto his shirt like they always did.

But they didn't.

He couldn't stop the tears from falling as he buried his face into his children's chests.

Kakashi's clone disappeared as he didn't have the will to keep his chakra up. Sakura and Ino's eyes widened as they felt the lack of chakra coming from the twins. They ran to them, each snatching a twin from his arm and began doing medical ninjutsu.

Kakashi had been strong for too long. It had been a while since he had a mental breakdown, he was way overdue for something tragic and life-altering to happen to him. And now life had given it to him once again.

He started to laugh quietly, catching Sakura and Ino off guard.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked as she continued to try and revive Kai while Ino worked on Kanari.

"My kids are dead, Sakura!" Kakashi said, his laugh getting louder while tears poured down his face. Tsuki overhead this and her heart felt like it broke into a million pieces, she buried her face in the ground and pounded into the grass with her fist while the curse mark subsided. Everyone else in the group, besides Shikamaru, gasped and held their hands to their mouths.

"Naruto! Get over here! Kakashi-sensei is losing it!" Sakura yelled. Naruto came running over, still in nine-tails mode, he put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder.

First his father, then Obito, then Rin, then Minato-sensei, then almost Tsuki, and now his kids. He knew life was too good to be true.

The guilt that Kakashi felt for allowing his kids to die, whether it was an accident or not, far exceeded the guilt he ever felt for his fallen comrades.

He snapped out of it,"They were just babies..." He choked out,"Why them?" He brushed their cheeks with his finger.

Sakura grew frustrated,"It's no use!" She threw her hands up in the air. Her medical ninjutsu was not working, she couldn't bring people back from the dead.

Tsuki cried, she felt like the worst mother in history for letting this happen.

Why did I have to be the reincarnation of Luna Kuraku? Why did the twins need to have this special power?

She was momentarily angry at her father for not warning her of this possiblity, but that quickly subsided, she didn't have the capacity to feel anger right now, only sadness and heartache.

Shin laughed,"Well I guess, that means I've ended the Hatake bloodline... And now only I have the power to control the Kaimetsu Chojougan!"

He raised his hands in the air and summoned a giant hurricane with winds that began to knock down the tropical trees around them. The last place that Kakashi and Tsuki would see their entire family alive, smiling, happy and laughing.

"Kakashi-sensei! We need to get out of here!" Naruto tugged on Kakashi's collar

He wouldn't budge, he sat on his knees, staring at his beloved children's lifeless bodies.  Naruto summoned 4 shadow clones, each one grabbed a member of the Hatake clan, including the twins and the chakraless moonstones and ran to escape Shin's power.

Tsuki and Kakashi were numb and we're not present in the current situation, they just allowed Naruto's shadow clone to carry them to safety

"What do we do now?" Ten-Ten asked as they ran away.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now