Fighting Guren

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Kakashi and Tsuki walked back into the wooden house to find Naruto embracing Rock Lee.  Tsunade had sent Shizune, Ino, Lee, and Ten-Ten as backup on this mission.

"So what's happened so far?" Shizune turned to Kakashi

"Well since Tsuki, Yamato, and the rest of team seven arrived.  We've engaged in a fight with the enemy once.  They retreated and we've since learned that Guren, the main woman in charge, can turn ninjutsu and elements into crystal.  Tsuki has found out that she can also use crystal style." Kakashi explained.

"I can't do any crazy crystal ninjutsu like she can but I can at least make and break crystal." Tsuki chimed in, elaborating on her new found ability.

"Wow that could actually be really useful.  Then I suggest we split up into teams.  Kakashi if you don't mind, I'd like to take Sakura, Ino, and Hinata under my command to perform the sealing jutsu. Everyone else will be under your command to fight the enemy ninja."

"Be my guest Shizune." Kakashi said with his eyes half lidded and arms crossed.

Hinata spoke up,"But i don't know how to perform sealing jutsu."

"Don't worry Hinata, I'm going to teach you all the hand signs of the Jutsu, it's fairly simple, it just requires delicate chakra control, which is why you'd be perfect."

Ten-Ten became annoyed that she wasn't delicate enough for the job.

"I'm going to split us up into two teams.  Yamato, you'll lead Kiba, Lee, and Ten-Ten to protect the sealing team. My team will consist of Naruto, Sai, Shino, and Tsuki that will directly fight Guren."

They all nodded and split into their respective teams.

Kakashi, Tsuki, Naruto, Sai and Shino began flying through the trees to their destination while Kakashi briefed then on their duties,"While our main mission will be to fight off Guren and her henchmen long enough for the sealing team to take care of the three tails, we also must protect Yukimaru and Tsuki at all costs.  Tsuki is the only one that can defend against the crystal style user."

"Also I wouldn't be fond of returning to Orochimaru's captivity......or just dying in general." Tsuki said sarcastically.

Kakashi rolled his eyes. Her sarcasm was never ending .

Suddenly, they were attacked by an enemy ninja named Gozu, which they all managed to dodge.  Gozu jumped back by Guren and they all came face to face.

"I'm going to do whatever it takes to get Yukimaru away from you!" Naruto shouted at Guren,"You're only using him as a tool!"

Guren seemed angered by his statement and launched an attack at him which was thwarted by Kakashi. Tsuki stood back letting Kakashi take the lead, wanting to keep her ability to control crystals a secret until she absolutely needed to use it.

They all begin fighting and made their way to the lake walking on the water by focusing chakra on the bottom of their feet.

Sai was fighting Gozu while Shino was elsewhere building up chakra and breeding his insects.

Kakashi lifted up his headband to reveal his Sharingan and Tsuki, right next to him activated her Chojougan eyes.

Guren seemed to be out for blood, as she knocked Naruto out of the way and began to head straight for the pair who were prepared in a fighting stance.  Kakashi activated his raikiri and charged Guren but was launched into the air buy giant crystal forming out of the water as Guren created crystal thorns that pierced Kakashi's back.

He grunted from the pain that cause him to momentarily faint and he began to fall from that great height, Guren created crystal spikes that Kakashi would surely be skewered on if Tsuki didn't reach him in time. As of right now she needed to be in physical contact with the crystal to break it apart.

Tsuki began controlling the water beneath her feet to surf her body across the water towards Kakashi, she created a wave that launched her into the air she wrapped one arm around his waist and flipped forward as her spare hand shot out a gust of air to glide there bodies over the crystal spikes, barely missing them as one of them grazed Tsuki's cheek, creating a small cut.

She landed on the water and lowered Kakashi from her shoulder so he was sitting up.

"Nice save." Kakashi said out of breath.

"Don't mention it." She said while looking around for the enemy.

He looked at Tsuki and saw red trickling down her face,"Tsuki you're bleeding!" He reached up to wipe the cut on her face. He hated seeing her hurt, even if it was the tiniest cut, even though he knew she was tough as nails and didn't need to be babied.

"Yeah and you almost turned into skewered dango so I think your injury is the priority here." She said as she lifted her hand to his injury as it began to glow with green chakra performing the little medical ninjutsu she knew over his puncture wound.

Guren suddenly appeared behind them and grabbed Tsuki's arm, tossing her aside and charging to attack her.  Tsuki caught her footing and pulled a kunai out and clashed against crystal that were poking out of the side of Guren's arm.  By this time Kakashi had caught back up to them and Guren launched several shards of crystal at him which he blocked with ease with his kunai.

He jumped in front of her and engaged in taijutsu fight with her.

Tsuki watched behind as she watched him use his Sharingan to block her every attack.  He was so fast, Tsuki's eyes could barely keep up with his movements. 

The crystal style user shot up multiple pillars of crystal from the water's surface towards Tsuki, which she quickly dodged and kicked the side of to shatter the crystal.

"So you managed to learn how to manipulate crystal with your Chojougan?" Guren said shocked,"I've got to say I'm impressed." She began to advance on Tsuki again launching cantelope sized crystal balls which Tsuki easily broke apart as she ran back over to Kakashi.

"Her chakra seems never-ending, I think we should head back over near Naruto and the others to help us fight her, it looks like him, Shino, and Sai eliminated the other enemies." Tsuki whispered.

"I was thinking the same thing.  She's very powerful, we need to regroup." Kakashi whispered back.  They nodded to each other and took off running towards Naruto and the others, followed quickly by Guren.

Once they reached back over to them, Guren and Naruto ended up being swallowed whole by the three-tails.  Tsuki grabbed Yukimaru and threw him on her back.  They needed to retreat for now.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now