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Kakashi knocked on Tsuki's hospital room door holding candles, kunai, ink, and a pen. He couldn't help but continue to think about what she said last night in her hazy mental state: I'm not crazy right? I heard her say Sakumo-sensei. Is she referring to my father?

He shook off his thoughts as Tsuki opened the door,"Good morning, Kakashi!" she said with a bright smile on her face.

"You're awfully chipper this morning Tsuki." Kakashi responded,"Definitely in stark contrast to how you were when you first came in. You look a lot better."

He genuinely meant what he said. Her face was fuller and had more color to it, her light brown hair that was dry and dull yesterday was now smooth and had highlights that shined in the sunlight that was spilling through the window. Her light blue eyes actually looked awake and had a sparkle in them that matched her smile.

"I definitely feel a lot better.  The medicine and fluids have helped a lot and they even let me shower today. And hey, I just wanted to say thank you for coming to seal the curse mark and for catching me when I fell out of the forest. I'm so excited to be able to infuse chakra again." She replied.

"Well then I guess we better get started.." Kakashi said cooly as he brushed past her to start setting up the candles and kunai in the typical sealing pattern, connecting them with ink on the floor.

"Go ahead and sit in the middle of the pattern, Tsuki" Kakashi instructed. Tsuki walked over and stepped between the patterns of the ink seal and sat in the middle.

Kakashi took a knee and began painting the sealing symbols onto her skin, but he quickly realized that he didn't have enough room.

"I'm sorry, but could you untie your hospital gown and pull it down a bit so I can write all of the symbols?" he asked reluctantly.

"Oh yeah....sure" Tsuki pulled on the string at the back of her neck and started pulling it down her shoulders,"Is this enough?"

Kakashi reached forward and pulled the gown down just a tad bit more, careful not to expose too much. Tsuki's face blushed slightly as his fingers lightly brushed against her skin. It was an unintentional reaction, but she had been in captivity for the past three years. It was the first gentle touch she had received from another human since before her capture.

Kakashi pulled his hand back as if it had been burned, worried that he may have offended her,"Right there's perfect." He dipped his pen in the inkwell and continued painting her skin.

He tried to break the ice further," mistook me for someone named 'Sakumo-sensei' Who exactly were you talking about?"

Tsuki quirked an eyebrow,"Oh, that's right. Sorry, I was super confused and I attacked you thinking you were maybe Orochimaru or something. But when my eyes focused and saw your silver hair, I thought you might have been Sakumo Hatake. He was my sensei, albiet only for a few months. Back when I was a child, he and Lady Tsunade came to my village and held a short series of training classes. That's when I first met Lady Tsunade. Her classes taught me basic first aid and stuff, but Sakumo-sensei's class taught me taijutsu."

'That must be why Shizune said our taijutsu styles are identical'

Tsuki continued,"I guess he saw that I was advancing faster than the other students, so he started teaching me higher level stuff outside of class! All the taijutsu I know is practically from him alone. I looked up to him a lot.."

Kakashi fell silent as he continued painting the symbols while he contemplated how huge of a coincidence it was that this random woman was a student of his father's.

"Why do you ask?" Tsuki said breaking the silence,"Did you know him or something? Actually, whatever happened to him anyway, is he still here in the Leaf?"

Kakashi's body tensed up ever so slightly at her questions as he tried formulating an answer,"Uhh, he died a long time ago. And....well... he was my father."

Tsuki gasped,"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. He was a great and honorable Shinobi." She said with a somber tone,"But it's no wonder I mistook you for him. You look exactly like him! At least from the eyes up anyway."

Kakashi let out a warm chuckle at what he considered a compliment. He finished the last symbol and stood behind her,"Okay, this is going to hurt so prepare yourself."

"Bring it." She replied with a challenge.

Kakashi formed his hand signs and pressed his palm to the curse mark on her shoulder, causing her to let out a pained scream as the lettering receded into her skin. She lurched forward to support herself on her arms while she caught her breath.

"I'm surprised you didn't pass out. Most people faint after a sealing jutsu like that." Kakashi stood, impressed by her resilience.

"I guess years of torture prepares you for that kind of intensity." She chuckled, but Kakashi could hear a slight tone of pain in her voice.

Tsuki attempted to retie her hospital gown, but in her weakened state her fingers fumbled with the strings.

Kakashi leaned down, taking the strings from her fingers and tied the gown back up before he helped her to her feet.

"Thank you, Kakashi." Tsuki gave him a smile of gratitude.

"You're welcome, Tsuki." Kakashi gave her a closed eye smile of his own. A knock at the door broke their conversation.

Tsuki walked over to open the door and was greeted by Lady Tsunade holding out some clothes and a satchel.

"Was the sealing successful?" Tsunade looked at Kakashi in the background, he nodded.

"Great! Tsuki, I brought you some clothes to change into. You're well enough to be discharged so I'm going to have Kakashi here escort you to the Intel division for interrogation. I'll speak with you after that."

"Sounds like a plan m'lady!" Tsuki turned around to look at Kakashi, silently signaling him to leave the room so she could change. Kakashi strolled across the room and closed the door behind him.

After a few minutes, the door swung open once again,"I'm ready when you are, Kakashi!"

He quickly turned around at the sound of her voice and took in her new look.

She was in black high-waisted shorts that ended at her mid-waist. A tucked in olive green shirt continued from there and loosely flowed down her arms but tightened into a sleeve at the middle of her forearms, making Kakashi's eyes follow to her small feminine hands that were now covered with the typical fingerless ninja gloves. White and blue bandages wrapped around her right thigh. At her waist, a brown belted satchel wrapped around her with the bag resting near her left hip. Her open toed black ninja sandals crept up just above her knee.

The whole outfit hugged her body and complimented her curves as if the cloth was tailored specifically to her. Her blue eyes sparkled as her straight brown hair framed her face and flowed down to her mid-back, subtley swaying with each movement she made.

Even objectively, she was beautiful.

"Alright, let's get going then." Kakashi put his hands in his pockets and began walking down the hall, followed by Tsuki.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now