Pain's Assault on the Leaf

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Tsuki woke up late and was in a rush to get to her mission, Kakashi was clinging to her, refusing to let her go.

Tsuki couldn't stop giggling as he showered her with kisses and pulled her away from the front door,"Kashi! I love you but I have to go! I'm gonna be late! It's a quick mission, I'm just picking up Intel from a neighboring village, I won't even be gone half a day."

Kakashi realized his defeat,"Fiiiine go then! Just be safe and maintain a minimum of 5 feet from Genma at all times."

"Oh my God shut up!" Tsuki laughed,"Love you see you later!" She shouted as she ran out the door.

"I'll be waiting!" Kakashi yelled back.

Tsuki met Genma at the front gate, about fifteen minutes late.

"Looks like Kakashi's tardiness has rubbed off on you huh?" Genma teased.

"Yeah, sorry about that, ready to go?" Tsuki asked.

"Definitely." Genma said. And with that they started hopping through the trees. The village they were going to was only about an hour and half away, so if they didn't run into any trouble, it would be a quick trip.

Genma decided to strike up a conversation on their way,"So you and Hatake huh? Can't say I saw that one coming."

"Yeah.... It's uh.... Yeah it just happened." Tsuki said blushing.

"You know, I've got to admit Tsuki, I had a bit of a crush on you after we went on a couple of missions together.  Not that it matters now." He said chuckling

"Oh yeah I know, Kurenai and Anko were trying to make it happen." Tsuki admitted,"Kakashi overheard and that's when he approached me."

"Aww, guess I was too late then." He replied with a fake disappointed voice

"Guess so!" Tsuki laughed.

They reached their destination and the Intel exchange went off without a hitch; They began their journey back to the village.

Meanwhile, Kakashi, feeling bored and lonely decided to go out for a walk around the village just to get out of the house.

After a few minutes of walking there a loud crash and several buildings around him came crashing down.  He also heard several bangs and crashes in the distance.  Kakashi lifted up his headband to reveal his Sharingan and began to look around.  It seemed that the village was under attack. Kakashi began hopping around the rubble and spotted Iruka kneeling down to help a fallen comrade about to be attacked by a man with orange hair and several piercings wearing an Akatsuki robe.

'Is that Pain?' He thought as he ran to Iruka's said.

"Tell me where the nine-tails jinchuriki is..." The cloaked man demanded

Iruka refused.

"I see....I have no use for you then." The man said as he pulled out a black rod to stab Iruka.

Just in time Kakashi caught the rod, stopping it in its tracks.

"Iruka, take him to the hospital and get out of here." Kakashi said

His mind raced with thoughts of Tsuki. If this foe had killed Jiraiya, then he was surely picking a losing battle, but he was going to do his best to protect his comrade and the village, I'm sure she'd understand. He was just glad she wasn't here and that hopefully she was safe.

Kakashi stared Pain down with his Sharingan.

"Then I'll ask you.  Tell me where the nine-tails jinchuriki is." Pain demanded

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