Flashback: Kakashi Cheats? (angst/fluff)

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Flashback to Kakashi's first month as Hokage, Tsuki is 8 months pregnant.

"Ugh I'm so gross and fat and ugly!" Tsuki said out of frustration as her hand rested on her belly.

Her and Kakashi were sitting in a carriage, propelled by horses taking them to the Hidden Moon Village, where they had requested post-war reconstruction aid from the Hidden Leaf.

Kakashi sat across from her, clad in his red and white Hokage's robe and hat, his eyes half lidded. Tsuki who was eight months pregnant was sitting across from him.

"You're not any of those things." Kakashi said,"You're beautiful, just very pregnant."

Tsuki sighed. Her belly was getting big, especially since she was carrying twins. It hurt to walk, breathe, pretty much do anything. But Tsuki insisted on coming along on this meeting between villages as an advisor despite Kakashi telling her numerous times to stay home and rest. She loved her job and wanted to wait until the very last second before going on maternity leave.

"Why did you do this to me, Kashi?" Tsuki joked.

"I had to lock you down somehow, Kuraku. Putting a baby in you seemed like the best option at the time." He joked back,"Well two babies...."

Tsuki laughed in unison with Kakashi.

"So the Hidden Moon Village, huh?" Tsuki said

"Yup. The Tsukikage called me here to discuss an economical partnership with the Leaf. She lost a large portion of their shinobi during the war and needs aid in their reconstruction since they don't have shinobi bringing in money like before." Kakashi replied.

"Ooooo" Tsuki mused,"Look at you being a whole ass Hokage!"

Kakashi chuckled,"Well I've only been doing this for a month. I'm really scared of fucking this up."

"Only a month on your own, but you've been orienting with Tsunade for the last three. You're gonna do great. And I'm right here with you.." Tsuki switched seats to sit next to him and lean her head on his shoulder. Kakashi ran his hand over her belly and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

"Thank you, love." Kakashi said.

The carriage stopped and there was a knock at the door,"Lord Sixth, were ready to transfer by boat." An ANBU guard said

Kakashi ducked his head to step out of carriage and held his hand out to help Tsuki down. She grabbed ahold of his hand and stepped down to the ground and walked over to the boat. After everyone was settled in the boat, they began their journey to the island village.

Tsuki held her hand to her forehead as the boat swayed back and forth,"Ugh I'm feeling sick." She said. The morning sickness had not left her after the first trimester. It was all the time.

"You know you don't have to stay with me the entire time Tsuki, if you're not feeling well you should go rest in whatever quarters they provide for us." Kakashi said.

"You're right I probably will." Tsuki said closing her eyes, holding back vomit.

Much to her relief they arrived on dry land. There was a group of people waiting for them, with the Tsukikage presumably at the front in her formal kimono.

Tsuki looked at her and her breath was taken away, she was quite beautiful, she made Tsuki feel ugly since she was blown up like a balloon due to her pregnant state. She suspiciously looked to Kakashi to see his reaction to seeing the gorgeous leader of the Hidden Moon.

Of course he had no reaction, she saw his bored face, his eyes half lidded, no expression change at all.

Kakashi acknowledged that the Tsukikage was objectively beautiful, but what did he care? He was married to Tsuki with two children on the way. He was the happiest he had ever been, what more could he want?

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