One Night Pt. 3 (Aftercare)

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His head snapped up,"Fuck, Tsuki I'm sorry! I forgot I'm not supposed to cum in you!"

She giggled,"It's fine. We've gotten lucky so far I'm sure we'll get lucky this one last time."

He pulled out and picked her up bridal style and carried her to their second bathroom and sat her on the toilet where she could pee and hopefully let all of his cum fall out of her.  He started the warm water to run a bath and went to the kitchen to heat up the kettle to make tea.

He brought back their tea and a plate that had a pain pill and a few cookies on it and set it on the edge of the bath where Tsuki had already removed all her lingerie and heels and gotten in.

Kakashi smiled and joined her in the tub.  He sat behind her and she rested her back against his chest and sunk into the water to soothe her sore muscles as much as she could. 

Kakashi wrapped his arms around and held her close to him for a bit before he began to massage her shoulders and upper arms.  He placed kisses on her neck every so often and whispered "I love you" a handful of times in her ear with which she always replied with an "I love you too"

He was really physically and emotionally rough with her this time, so he felt like he needed to make sure her aftercare was up to par.

He reached over and grabbed the pain pill off the plate and held it up to her mouth.

"No I think I'm good right now Kashi." Tsuki said leaning her head back into his chest.

"Trust me, you're gonna need this so just take it now." He insisted and she took it and swallowed it down with her tea. Then he grabbed one of the cookies off the plate and let her take a bite.

"Turn around love.." Kakashi let go of her so she could face him in the tub, he cupped her face in his hands and gave her the softest kiss he could, in stark contrast to the rough ones he had been planting on her all night.

She leaned her back against the other side of the tub and Kakashi began massaging her feet and up her legs, looking into the water he saw bruises and bite marks all over her body that belonged to him and she had fingerprint shaped bruises already starting to form on her hips amongst scratches from his nails digging in. He looked at her face and saw a red handprint shaped outline on her right cheek and handprint shaped bruise forming on her right breast.  He knew she would be hurting tomorrow. 

He kind of felt bad about it,"Maybe I went a little too rough this time...."

"Did I say the safe word?" Tsuki asked.

"" He replied.

"Then you're fine....... I enjoyed that probably more than you did." She said her eyes still closed and face still relaxed,"I know I'm gonna be hurting tomorrow, but I don't care. I like seeing the marks you leave on my body."

Kakashi chuckled,"You're low-key a freak Kuraku."

Tsuki laughed out loud,"At least I don't read porn in public, Hatake!"

He splashed her with the bath water.

"Hey!" Tsuki activated her Chojougan and picked up a stream of water to shoot directly at his face.

"Ok now that against the rules. No kekkei genkai." Kakashi teased

"Rules? What fucking game are we playing?!" She laughed

Kakashi went to splash her again but instead accidentally knocked the plate of cookies into the water with them.

"Oh noooo!!" Kakashi exclaimed disappointed,"Those were for you to eat!" He quickly grabbed them out of the water before they started to break apart and just threw them on the floor.  He was too tired to give a fuck about that right now.

Tsuki was dying of laughter,"How do you have a Sharingan and knock over a plate that's right next to you?"

"Do you want to fight tonight? Cause it sounds like you wanna fight tonight." Kakashi teased as he reached over to start tickling her.

Tsuki started laughing but her tone quickly changed as she reached for the bruises on her hips and hissed,"Ow ow ow."

Kakashi's eyes filled with concern,"Oh shit, I'm sorry Tsuki I didn't mean to-" He was interrupted by a splash of water to his face.

"Ha! Tricked you!" Tsuki faked her pain to get back at him.

"Ok, truce I give up." Kakashi admitted defeat and leaned back into the water.

Tsuki got on her knees and leaned forward and put her hands on his chest.  She hovered her lips over his and looked into his eyes.

"There's water all over this fucking bathroom...." She said with a chuckle.

Kakashi laughed,"Yeah well I'm not the one with the Chojougan that could easily just pick up and throw it down the sink..."

Kakashi watched her eyes turn black and she waved her hand elegantly to pick up all the water off the floor and poured it down the sink leaving the bathroom completely dry.  She pecked him on the lips and he smirked

"Let's go to Tsunade tomorrow and have her marry us." Kakashi broke the silence.  Tsuki couldn't help but smile.  As early as tomorrow she would be a Hatake and would be turning a new chapter in her life.

"Agreed. But we should go to bed cause it's like 3am and we're not gonna wake up in the morning." Tsuki smiled. 

Kakashi reached around and unplugged the drain to let the bathwater drain and they both stood and stepped onto the bathroom rug and Tsuki used her chakra to pull the water off their bodies to dry them.

Kakashi carried her to bed as she had already started feeling the effects of their kinky night hit her body.  He tucked her in and went to the kitchen to get the ice packs from the freezer for her bruises.

He sat in bed next to her while she laid down and he found every little bruise and mark he left and iced them all a bit to help with the swelling.

The red hand on her face was already fading as we're the marks on her butt.

Neither of them remember what even happened after that, they were too tired. But they both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, happy as they could possibly be.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now