Co-Op Mission Pt.4

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Tsuki woke up suddenly and sat up trying to gather her bearings startling Kakashi who jolted up in response. Tsuki quickly realized she still couldn't move the lower half of her body, but the poison was wearing off. Otherwise, her body was exhausted from the amount of chakra she expended yesterday considering she wasn't even at her full power.

"How are you feeling Tsuki?" Kakashi looked at her feeling relieved that she had woken back up.

"Like I've been hit by a train." Tsuki said causing Kakashi to let out a chuckle,"How long have I been out?"

"Well considering it took me nine hours to get us here and we just slept nine hours. I'd say about eighteen hours" Kakashi replied. Tsuki glanced at the clock and saw that it was noon.

"Well I feel like I really needed it." Tsuki said rubbing her eyes awake,"Thank you for taking care of me while I was out. I seriously don't remember a thing."

"Anytime!" Kakashi said with a closed eye smile

"Umm what are you doing on the floor?" Tsuki asked just now taking notice.

"Oh well, we were still tied together with this jutsu" Kakashi began holding up his wrist bringing up Tsuki's with it,"and the innkeeper gave us a room with one bed because I had to cover that you were my girlfriend because I didn't want to raise any suspicion as to why I was walking with an unconscious woman. But once I got us up here I didn't want to offend you by sleeping in the same bed with you so I just decided to sleep on the flo-"

Tsuki pressed her finger to Kakashi's clothed lips trying to hide her blush that he said he pretended she was his girlfriend,"You're rambling Kakashi, that's very sweet and considerate of you. But I feel bad that not only did you have to carry me for nine hours, but that you slept on a hard wooden floor for nine additional hours. Next time, just put me on the floor and you can sleep in the bed. Or you could have just slept in the bed with me I wouldn't have minded. We both need to be well rested to complete this mission."

Kakashi's heart began to beat faster, the idea of sharing a bed with Tsuki seemed heavenly to him even if nothing sexual was occurring, he liked the idea of having her warmth next to him as he slept.

The moment was interrupted when there was a knock at the door. Kakashi felt a familiar chakra waiting outside.

"It's Jiraiya." Kakashi said out loud, easing Tsuki's worries as Orochimaru's henchmen had tried kidnapping her last night. She had never actually met Jiraiya but have always heard stories of the legendary sanin. Kakashi stood to go open the door but was stopped in his tracks when Tsuki did not come along with him as they were still tied together.

"Uh, the poison still kinda hasn't completely gone away, can't move my legs yet." She said awkwardly, feeling like a burden to Kakashi.

"That's alright." Kakashi said reassuringly as he bent down to scoop Tsuki up bridal style just as he did last night. As he walked to the door to let Jiraiya in, Tsuki was entranced by the feeling of his strong arms carrying her with ease, his chiseled jaw protruding through the sides of his mask just under his adorably large ears as she wrapped her arms around his neck for support. They both felt a tension, some sort of heat between them that just felt right when they were this close.

Kakashi opened the door.

"Hey there Kakashi! How's it go-" Jiraiya greeted the silver haired join with gusto but his voice stopped when he realized Kakashi was holding a beautiful, blue eyed Shinobi in his arms,"Well, well, well who's this beauty? What have you two been up to?" He said with a smirk

"Oh no it's not that like that she's paralyzed from the waist down, and we're connected at the wrist for the next six hours until an enemies Jutsu wears off." Kakashi explained.

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