The First 24 Hours (más fluff)

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Kakashi laid awake next to Tsuki in the hospital bed watching her as she slept while tandem breastfeeding the twins.  He was making sure she didn't accidentally drop them if she fully succumbed to her sleep, but she didn't, she was a natural at this.

If anything, within the past twenty-four hours, he had gained a new level of respect for his wife.  It's like she was fucking born to do this and he was just there to support her as much as he could through her recovery while also simultaneously being a parent to Kai and Kanari.

"Tsuki, it looks like they're done..." Kakashi shook her awake as the twins both unlatched from her chest.

Tsuki took a deep breath and forced her eyes open at Kakashi's touch.  He reached over and grabbed Kanari and sat her up on his lap and started gently rubbing and patting her back to burp her while Tsuki did the same to Kai.

The Onaji Duo worked well together in more than just battle.  They could read each other's mind and movements as parents too as their partnership flowed smoothly.

Tsuki kept her eyes closed, while she burped Kai.

"How is it possible to be this fucking exhausted?" Tsuki said flatly.

"I'll let you know when I find out." Kakashi said just as flatly, his eyes were squinting and threatening to close.

Finally they burped, and Tsuki started to get out of bed to check their diapers and swaddle them.

"No, Tsuki, you lay down, It's my turn." Kakashi reached out and grabbed Kai from her with his free arm while he carried Kanari with his other to the double bassinet and checked their diapers.

"Thank the heavens they're dry." He said aloud.

"Tch. Not fair you keep getting lucky.." Tsuki teased.  She watched her husband closely as he swaddled them both with ease and smiled.

"Hey Kashi.." Tsuki said.

"Hmm?" He said still focused on getting the twins settled.

"You look hot when you're being a dad." She smirked.

"Do I now?" He said with a chuckle.  He found Tsuki more beautiful than ever, even though she hadn't showered, her hair hadn't been brushed, she was literally bleeding into maternity diapers, and her stomach was still slightly bloated post-partum.  At least that's all of the things she was complaining about, but to Kakashi she looked gorgeous as a mother. It never occurred to him that she might feel the same about him.

"Yeah." She continued,"You've got that whole hot dad-esque, protective, supportive husband thing going on. I like it."

"Well, I'm trying my best over here.." he joked back.

She laughed,"You're so good with them."

"They just seem like good babies. They don't cry like crazy. They're already on a pretty consistent schedule. They're easy to calm down.  I don't wanna jinx it but I think we hit the jackpot."

He tucked them in and pulled the bassinet over towards them as he climbed back into bed and cuddled up next to Tsuki.

They both closed their eyes in hopes of getting some rest before they had to wake up in two to three hours and do the whole routine all over again.

The people have spoken, I'm continuing the story on here.

I'm just doing short little chapters for now until I figure out what direction I want to go in.

But omg can we please get a round of applause for dad Kakashi? I think we all know he'd be an excellent dad.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now