Food Pills (mini 🍋)

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Kakashi grunted at the sound of Tsuki's sultry moans hitting his ear as he continued thrusting into her dripping core. Her shaking legs were wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer as he squeezed tighter around the back of her thick thighs holding her up as he railed her with her back against the wall.

He latched onto her neck, letting a growl rip from the back of his throat as she dug her nails into his back out of pleasure. Her moans grew in volume and frequency. Kakashi felt her cunt tightening around his cock and knew she was close.

"Fuck Kashi I'm gonna ahhh..." She couldn't speak through her moans

"Be a good girl and cum for me." He demanded in her ear with a husky voice. His voice sent her over the edge as her hands found their way entangled in his hair as she came hard all over his dick with a gutteral moan.

"Oh my God, Kashi.." Tsuki said panting as he began to climax as well...

Kakashi opened his eyes and looked around the room in confusion to find Tsuki sleeping in her sleeping bag a few feet away from him.

'Fuck.' Kakashi thought to himself as he realized his cock was throbbing hard in his pants threatening to show through his own sleeping bag,'Did I really just have a sex dream about Tsuki? While on a mission? I read icha icha in public, I'm used to picturing this kind of stuff! His could this be happening now of all times?!'

He quickly remembered how he got there as he ran through the chain of events from the pervious day.

'Pakkun came back and told us that Lady Tsunade was sending a sealing team and that when they got here we were to seal away the three tails. Then Tsuki showed off her crystal style to the team. Then we divided up the lookout shifts and then Tsuki and I went to sleep to prepare for our shift. And now I'm sitting here, with a hard-on, almost having a fucking wet dream next to the woman I dreamed I was having sex with. I'm fucking almost 30, how am I almost having wet dreams? What has Tsuki done to me?' Usually he had more self control than this. I mean the man read porn in public for God sakes. He looked over at the woman who was sleeping peacefully, completely oblivious to the sexual agony she was putting him through by just existing.

Kakashi must have been making too much noise because Tsuki began to stir before waking up and looking over at Kakashi who quickly turned to hide the rock hard proof of the dream he had just had.

"You ok Kashi?" She said in a sweet voice worried that he may have awoken from a nightmare,"Is it time for our watch?"

"No uh, I just randomly woke up... Don't worry you can go back to sleep." Kakashi said.

Before either of them could attempt to close their eyes, Yamato walked in.

"Oh great! You're already awake! It's time for your guys watch." He said looking at the two on the floor

"Ugghhh" Tsuki groaned as she rolled out of her sleeping bag and ruffled her bed head hair in an attempt to straighten it out.

Kakashi froze. He could not get out of his sleeping bag,"Uh I'll catch up with you in a second Tsuki I'm going to use the restroom."

"Ok whatever." She said as she trudged out the door quietly.

Kakashi carefully got out of his sleeping bag, out of sight from Yamato and slid into the bathroom.

"How the fuck to I get rid of this?!" He whispered to himself as he looked down at his length somehow still growing. He couldn't get the dream out of his head, he just kept picturing Tsuki's naked body against his, their skin slapping together as he pounded her into oblivion.

'Theres only way to to get rid of this' Kakashi thought to himself, not proud about what he was about to do. He pulled down the front of his pants and began stroking his dick as he remembered his dream. He was careful not to make too much noise, but there was no way he would be able to join Tsuki on their lookout shift unless he took care of this first, and he didn't want her to be alone for too long. His brows furrowed and mouth hung open with heavy, but silent breathing as his hand started stroking faster and faster. He pictured Tsuki on her knees in front of him, wrapping her pretty mouth around his cock, unable to take it entirely into her mouth due to the sheer size of it while her beautiful blue eyes went wide in shock. That alone was enough to send him over the edge. He stroked a few more times and bit the back of his hand to hide any noises he might make as he released into the toilet to hide the evidence. He stood hunched over the sink for a few minutes as he calmed his breathing, redressed himself, and washed his hands

He finally felt it was safe to go join Tsuki outside.

He walked up next to Tsuki where she was yawning and stretching, her tiredness still written all over her face. She reached into her satchel and pulled out a couple of food pills and popped them into her mouth.

"You know you should eat actual food sometimes." Kakashi teased.

"Well if you're not gonna cook for me, I guess food pills is the best I'm gonna do." She joked, lightly punching his arm.

They both chuckled, followed by silence. Not an awkward silence, just silence. Kakashi and Tsuki enjoyed each other's company so much, neither of them had to say anything to feel content, they just needed to be in each other's presence.

Kakashi went to eat a couple of food pills of his own when Tsuki broke the silence,"Have any dreams last night?" She asked calmly.

Kakashi choked on his food pills at her question as he recalled his explicit dream of him and Tsuki. His face turned red, but not from blushing, he was literally choking on the food pills.

Tsuki's eyes went wide as she realized Kakashi wasn't joking around and started hitting him on the back as hard as she could,"Whoa! Are you okay??"

She continued slapping his back until he coughed up the food pills and started gasping in air to make up for the time he was cut off from oxygen.

"Eat much?" Tsuki was sarcastic, but relieved. She led him to the ground so they could sit side by side, her hand still rubbing big circles on his back to soothe where she had been hitting him, the other arm cupping his bicep.

Kakashi let out a few coughs,"Nope. No dreams last night. Why do you ask?" He said nervously. He was convinced she knew about the dream even though he knows it was impossible.

"I don't know I was just making conversation you weirdo! Am I that boring that you just tried to die to get out of conversation with me?!" Tsuki said with a small laugh. She couldn't help but squeeze his arm, feeling how hard the muscle was underneath his long sleeve shirt. She blushed and immediately let go, hoping Kakashi didn't notice what she had just done. But it was too late, Kakashi was hyper aware of her movements after what she had asked him and he let a small smirk decorate his face under his mask that he already placed back up on his face after getting over the coughing fit.

"Don't worry Ms. Kuraku, I'm never gonna get bored of you." Kakashi said looking off into the distance at the lake.

Tsuki was caught off guard as her face began heating up once again. What did he mean by that? Did he means as friends? Did he mean it as something more than friends? What he trying to tell her something?

"What did you say, Kashi?" She asked, wanting him to elaborate on his statement

"Tsuki-sensei! Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura yelled at the pair from the house,"The sealing team is here! Come inside so we can plan."

Kakashi stood up and reached his hand down to Tsuki. She looked up, still in a daze from what Kakashi had said to her but reached her hand out and was practically lifted off the ground. The two made their way back into the house.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now