Flashback - Sick (fluff)

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Flashback #2

"Achoooo!" Kakashi sneezed forcefully into his elbow while Sakura was examining him.

"Yeah Kakashi sensei, you just have a gnarly cold, you should stay in bed for a couple of days and take it easy until it goes away." Sakura said. Kakashi had woken up sick insisting that he was fine enough to go to work so Tsuki called in a professional to set him straight.

"See Kashi I told you!" Tsuki scolded him,"The village will be fine if you're off of work for a couple days. You have a fever! You're just gonna go spreading your germs around if you leave the house."

Kakashi sighed, knowing she was right and admitted defeat

Tsuki walked Sakura to the door,"Thank you, Sakura. Would you be able to notify Lady Tsunade that we'll be out for a couple days while I take care of him?"

"Sure thing, Tsuki-sensei." She replied closing the door on her way out.

"Uuughhhh." Kakashi groaned with a nasally voice and a sniffle,"I can't just lie in bed all day!" He was starting to get grumpy.

"Yes you can you're not gonna die if you just rest for a day or two. Stop being dramatic and just lay down and get some sleep, I'm gonna go get some medicine and stuff to make chicken soup."

Kakashi pouted and slammed his head to the pillow in defiance, making Tsuki roll her eyes.

She left the house to go to the store and picked up some cold medicine and all the ingredients she'd need for chicken soup, one of the only recipes she was good at making.

As she walked in the door she saw Kakashi in the doorframe of the bedroom hooking his ninja tool pouch to his back waistband, looking like he was gonna head out for a mission. He looked fatigued and pale.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said forcefully.

"I'm gonna just tell Tsunade to give me an easy mission or something. I can't stay in bed like that." He replied

Tsuki dropped the groceries at the front door and stomped up to him, grabbing his ear and dragging him back to the bed.

"Ow! Ow! Let go of my ear!" He protested

"No, you won't take of yourself so I have to make you!" Tsuki scolded him again before pushing him onto the bed.

She reached to remove his headband when she felt his forehead.

"Kashi, you're burning up. You're gonna do more harm than good by trying to leave right now." The tone of her voice sounded concerned. She stripped him down to his boxers and sleeveless black shirt with his mask attached and felt that his whole body was burning up and layed the thinnest sheet they had over him.

She grabbed a thermometer and shoved it under his tongue.

"Ugh, I feel like absolute shit!" Kakashi groaned.

"Yeah you look like absolute shit so I don't know why you're trying to go on a mission right now." Tsuki retorted,"Look your temp is 102.4! That's kinda high Kakashi, STAY HERE."

She ran to the kitchen and got the cold medicine, a lukewarm washcloth and a ice cold cup of water.

"Here take this." She handed him the medicine and he took it and gulped down the glass of water and if he hadn't drank any for days. Meanwhile Tsuki was patting his forehead with the washcloth as Kakashi began to get fever chills with a concerned look in her eye.

Kakashi watched her face as it intently watched his and giggled reaching out to play with her hair.

"If after an hour that medicine doesn't bring down your temp you need to take a lukewarm bath to try and get it down more." Tsuki instructed.

"Aye aye, captain." He said sarcastically saluting, still shivering. The fever must have been making him loopy. Sleep overcame Kakashi and Tsuki made some chicken soup for him to eat when his fever came down. After she was done she returned to the bedroom and sat in the recliner in the corner of the room to watch him sleep and make sure he was ok.

An hour passed and Tsuki stood up to feel his forehead. He still felt like he was burning up, Kakashi stirred awake at her touch and immediately sneezed followed by a series of coughs.

"Sorry babe, it's time to check your temperature again." She said as she put the thermometer to his mouth. He opened his mouth and let it sit under his tongue until it beeped.

"101.5." she said aloud.

"Victory!" Kakashi shouted, still loopy from the fever.

"Well it's headed in the right direction but I still think you need to take a bath and try to get it down more." She replied,"Let me go get it ready for you."

She walked to the second bathroom and started the water to a lukewarm temperature and plugged the drain to let it fill up while she went to retrieve Kakashi, first stopping at the kitchen to get him another glass of water.

"Here drink this and get up, you're taking a bath." She commanded

Kakashi stood up from the bed,"Yes your majesty princess Kuraku of Godai." He did a fake bowing motion and started walking towards the second bathroom. Tsuki couldn't help but laugh at his fever-drunken state.

They reached the bathroom and Tsuki stripped off the remainder of his clothes and threw them in the hamper.

"Ooooo, what are you planning on doing Kuraku?" Kakashi pulled her close and pinned her body against his by gripping onto her waist and started planting kisses on her jawline and neck.

"Kashi stop! You're gonna get me sick too!" Tsuki giggled at his gesture but pushed him off,"Get in the tub dork."

Kakashi pouted and hung his head but stepped into the tub and laid back into the water and closed his eyes.

Tsuki took the empty cup from the water he chugged and scooped up some water and dumped it in his hair to wet it so she could wash it.

She started massaging the shampoo into his hair and Kakashi sighed at her touch.

"Keep your eyes closed, babe." Tsuki said as she went to rinse the shampoo out.

Kakashi put his crossed arms over the edge of the tub to face Tsuki and she started massaging his achy shoulder muscles, while the bath hopefully did the trick to get his fever down.

Kakashi opened his eyes to see Tsuki's full of concern and love as she massaged his shoulders making him completely relax and close his eyes at her touch

"You're gonna make a good mom some day." He said out of the blue.

Tsuki's breathing hitched and she momentarily paused before collecting herself she continuing her massage.

She felt her face heat up as a her skin was overcome by a heavy blush.

'Me? A mom? To Kashi's babies?' she thought as her mind raced with hypothetical images of her and Kakashi as parents. She couldn't help but smile at the idea.

"Some day, dear." She replied making Kakashi smile.

"Ok let's check your temp." She put in the thermometer back in his mouth.

"I mean I feel better." Kakashi said with the thermometer in his mouth but Tsuki just pressed up on his chin to keep it closed so he wouldn't talk and could get an accurate reading.

"99.2." Tsuki let out with a breath of relief. Finally she got his fever under control. She ran to the bedroom to get him some clean clothes and let him get dressed while she got him some chicken soup and more water.

When she returned, Kakashi was back in bed getting under the covers. She placed the water on his nightstand and handed him the bowl of soup placing a kiss onto his temple.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." She smiled at him.

"Me too. Thanks to you, Tsuki. Sorry for being so stubborn earlier." Kakashi replied and happily slurped up his soup before sleep overcame him once again.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now