Naruto's Price of Power

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Naruto ended up in the hospital; The new Rasenshuriken Jutsu seemed to have done a number on him.

Tsunade and Shizune had been analyzing the body of Kakuzu to gather what Intel they could post-mortem. Kakashi, Tsuki, and Yamato were called into the coroner's office.

"The destructive power of Naruto's Rasenshuriken acts more like a poison." Tsunade began to explain,"It seems to have worked microscopically, splitting all of his cells in half!"

"Are you saying that Kakuzu's entire chakra pathway was cut?" Tsuki chimed in

"Yes. And I saw the same thing albiet on a lesser level in Naruto's arm." Tsunade replied,"It's something that cannot be reversed by medical ninjutsu. I called you three to tell you that I'm officially branding this new Jutsu forbidden. You must not let Naruto use it, or he could die."

The three jonin nodded their heads in agreement and they departed.

Tsunade had received a letter from an ANBU detailing the general whereabouts of Orochimaru's hideout and summoned for Kakashi's presence.

Meanwhile, Kakashi was attempting to feed Naruto ramen because he was unable to use his right arm, making Naruto visibly annoyed. Naruto wanted Sakura to feed him.

Kakashi noticed Naruto getting upset,"Once your arm heals Naruto, you cannot use the Rasenshuriken ever again, it caused too much damage. Lady Tsunade has named it a forbidden Jutsu."

Two ANBU appeared at the ramen shop and notified Kakashi that he had been summoned.

Tsunade handed Kakashi the file of the mission she was going to send him on.

"I want you to assemble a search team and locate Orochimaru's hideout." Tsunade instructed

"I'll take team eight, I can't think of a better team for this type of mission. Hinata's Byakugan, Kiba's ninja hound Akamaru, and Shino's parasitic insects would be perfect for a search party mission."

Tsunade continued,"Another thing, we're keeping Naruto in the dark about this. You may run into Sasuke on this mission, and with Naruto injured, I don't want him running after you guys."

Kakashi nodded, worried about what Tsuki would think about him chasing after Orochimaru.

"As of right now, I've decided I'm keeping Tsuki in the dark on this one as well."

Kakashi's eyes looked up at Tsunade in shock. Could she read his mind?

"Because of her past with Orochimaru and because she still possesses his curse mark. Even though it's sealed, I don't know if he would still have some kind of power over her if she were to come into contact with him again. I wouldn't want her chasing after you either." Tsunade explained. She knew Kakashi had a soft spot for Tsuki, but she didn't know just how far it had gone.

"Understood m'lady." Kakashi replied with a nod,"I'll head out now."

Kakashi headed out of the office, praying he wouldn't run into Tsuki on the way to gather up team eight. He didn't want to have to lie to her. It would be better just to leave.

Kakashi was lucky, and did not run into Tsuki before he left for his mission.

He was hopping through the trees with Hinata, Kiba, and Shino, his mind clouded with thoughts of Tsuki's warm smile and laugh.  He just couldn't stop thinking of her no matter how hard he tried.  An involuntary smile crept up on his face as his heart raced when Hinata quickly snapped him out of it.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now