Meeting Everyone (fluff)

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It was 9am and Kakashi and Tsuki had survived their first 36 hours as parents.

"I desperately need a fucking shower.." Tsuki said.

"Well, go shower. Don't worry I'm here watching them.." Kakashi said as he was leaned back in the recliner holding a sleeping Kai against his chest.

Tsuki crawled out of bed and stretched her still very sore body and walked over to the bathroom in their private hospital suite to finally shower.

Lots of perks came with being the wife of the Hokage.

She brushed her hair, her teeth and took off her hospital gown and examined her body in the mirror.

"Damn, those kids made me fat.." Tsuki said loud so Kakashi could hear.

"You're literally not fat, Kuraku, the nurse said it can take up to 2 months for your body to go back to normal. Stop being dramatic." He shouted from the recliner

Tsuki couldn't believe how much her body had changed with pregnancy. She turned a bit to check out her back and saw the giant X-shaped scar that she got during the war when she jumped in front of Kakashi. Tsunade said that scar would get lighter with time, but would likely be there forever.

She hopped in the shower and washed off. It was the best feeling Tsuki had since giving birth. It was such a relief to feel clean, it was refreshing.

She stepped out and redressed herself in some sweatpants and a loose button up shirt that Kakashi had brought from home and walked back out to see Kakashi holding both twins in his arms while they slept and smiled

He couldn't get enough of his kids. His kids. His and Tsuki's kids. Their kids. He still had a hard time believing that the path of life took him down this road, a road he never thought he'd travel on. His future looked so gloomy before all this. But since he met Tsuki his life went on a rapid upturn and now she had given him two tiny little humans that shared his name and likeness. The Hatake clan went from a party of two to a party of four in the blink of an eye.

There was a knock at the door, Tsuki walked over to answer it.

"Guy! Kurenai!" Tsuki reached up to hug them, but quickly realized how sore her body was.

"Whoa careful there girl, trust me speaking from experience with Mirai, it's gonna be a few days before you feel like you're getting back to normal." Kurenai said.

"I want to meet my youthful godchildren! Where are the little rascals?" Guy said in his version of a quiet indoor voice.

"Right over here! Guy look at them!" Kakashi said in loud whisper as he got giddy for his best friend to see his kids.

Tsuki stepped aside to let Guy in as he wheeled over to Kakashi on the recliner.

"I guess we better join them." Tsuki smiled at Kurenai, they both walked over to join them.

"This is my son, Kai." Kakashi rocked his arm that was holding the brown haired boy that was cooing and looking around at the people staring back at him,"And this one is my little girl, Kanari." He rocked the arm that was holding her.

Tears began to pour down Guy's face as per usual,"SO YOUTHFUL." He reached out for Kai and Kakashi handed him over. Guy cradled him in his arms

"Oh my god Kanari! That's such a cute name, that means 'pretty' right?" She reached her arms out to the little silver haired girl and Kakashi handed her over for her to hold her while she examined her features,"Well she certainly lives up to her name."

Guy looked at Kai and then back at Kakashi, and then back at Kai and then to Kakashi.

"Uh, is something the matter Guy?" Kakashi asked confused as to why he was looking at him like that.

"Is this what your face looks like underneath that mask?" Guy said, squinting his eyes at Kakashi.

Tsuki laughed and Kakashi chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head with his hand,"That's for me and Tsuki to know and you to never find out, Guy."

Guy sighed as his attempt to see Kakashi's face was thwarted once again.

Kurenai handed Kanari over to Tsuki,"Well we better not stay too long I'm sure you guys are tired. They're beautiful, congratulations you guys. Mirai will be very happy to know she has a little brother and sister."

Guy handed Kai back to Kakashi,"Yes, good job you two, they're extremely youthful!"

Kakashi saw them out while Tsuki crawled back in bed with Kanari in her hands.

Not even ten minutes later there was another knock at the door. Kakashi looked at Tsuki, puzzled as to who it could be this time.

He opened the door to see his two of his three favorite students. Students he felt like a father to before he became a real father.

"Naruto, Sakura I didn't know you were coming to visit.." Kakashi said to them.

"What do you mean, of course I had to come see my little brother and sister!" Naruto yelled as he unabashedly strolled into the room,"Whoa which one is that?"

Sakura punched his arm,"Don't refer to them as 'which one's that's Kai, he's the boy!"

"Kai, huh?" Naruto replied as he held out his hand to the baby, Kai reached out and grabbed onto one of his fingers and giggled.

"It seems like he likes you Naruto." Tsuki chuckled from the bed.

Naruto peered at Kai and then suspiciously looked up at Kakashi.

Kakashi sighed,"No Naruto, I'm not telling you if Kai's face is similar to mine under the mask...."


Kanari started to stir in Tsuki's arms and let out little cries that Tsuki could tell would turn into a big cry.

"Shhhh, shh, it's ok baby. Don't let Naruto get you all worked up." Tsuki cooed as she patted her daughters butt in her arms and rocked her back and forth.

Naruto walked over to Tsuki in the bed and looked down at the silver-haired, blue-eyed baby.

Tsuki smiled at her beloved student,"Naruto, this is Kanari." He reached out to her and her little hand reached out and latched onto his finger and she smiled and giggled at him.

"They both seem to like you." Kakashi mentioned. Sakura had to her hands balled up into a fist near her mouth as she looked at the twins with excitement.

Naruto threw his fist up into the air,"Hell yeah! I'm a big brother! When can I take them out for ramen?! Or teach them the Rasengan?!"

Sakura punched him again,"You IDIOT! You can't feed a baby ramen! And they don't even have control of their chakra stores yet! They're only two days old!"

Tsuki laughed, Naruto may have progressed as Shinobi. But his personality hadn't changed at all.

Sakura grabbed him by the ear,"Let's go Naruto, Kakashi-sensei and Tsuki-sensei need their rest..."

Naruto tried to say bye as he was being dragged out by his ear,"Um I'll be back to see them again! I love them already!" Sakura slammed the door shut behind them.

"He really hasn't changed at all, huh?" Tsuki said with a giggle

"Not in the slightest." Kakashi replied to her with his own laugh.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now