One Night (🍋)

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Kakashi let Tsuki down to walk when they reached the village gates. It was late at night, the streets were empty the village was sleeping. It was peaceful.

They walked with their hands intertwined and occasionally exchanged glances out of adoration for the other.

Tsuki bit her lip looking at Kakashi as her left hand spun the ring around on her finger. She wasn't used to wearing jewelry so it felt a bit odd, but she never wanted to remove this symbol of their love from her hand.

Tsuki wanted to get Kakashi in bed as soon as possible, getting engaged ignited a desire for him that she couldn't deny. Kakashi felt the same for her.

Tsuki stole another glance at Kakashi and looked back forward as she spotted an abandoned alleyway in between two shops that were closed for the night.

She couldn't wait until they got home, and she wasn't going to.

As soon as they reached the entrance of the alley way she pulled Kakashi into it and quickly pushed him up against a brick wall, they were hidden behind some wooden pallets and couldn't be seen from the street.

Without saying anything, she pulled his mask down and started to makeout with him heavily, Kakashi didn't protest as his arms snaked down to grab her ass and pull her closer. Her hands made their way down to the drawstring of his joggers and untied them while her mouth trailed down his jawline and neck, causing Kakashi to sigh at the feeling of her soft lips hitting his skin.

"You're on lookout duty, ok?" Tsuki said in a loud whisper as she pulled down the front of his sweats and freed his cock from his boxers. He nodded.

She immediately got onto her knees and wrapped her mouth around his cock. Everything was moving so fast Kakashi didn't even have time to get hard, so she kept her mouth around him so she could feel him grow and hit the back of her throat.

Kakashi bit his lip to suppress a groan as Tsuki began sucking him off at a mercilessly fast pace. He looked down to see her beautiful blue eyes looking back up at him with her pretty mouth wrapped around his length. His heart fluttered as he remembered the first sex dream he had about Tsuki, with this exact scene in it before they were even dating. And now here he was in an alleyway in the middle of the village with the same woman who was now actually giving him a blowjob, wearing a ring on her finger that he gave her.

"Fuckin A..." Kakashi couldn't help but make noise. She was so good at this, he almost couldn't handle it.

Tsuki decided to give her jaw a break and she lifted her oversized sweatshirt over her head to get it out of the way and unclipped her bra before scrunching it up and shoving it in Kakashi's back pocket.

Kakashi groaned at the sight of Tsuki's tits bouncing down as soon as her bra came off and leaned down to grab one. They were fucking perfect.

She leaned up and wrapped her tits around his cock and began rubbing them back and forth.

Kakashi tried a lot of stuff with Tsuki in bed, but this was new. And he was convinced it was one of the hottest things he had ever seen her do.

Kakashi's mouth was agape and he had to fight to prevent his eyes from rolling into the back of his head as he reached down to grab Tsuki's shoulders and move his hips against hers.

"You like that baby?" She asked sweetly, yet seductively.

Kakashi feared that if he tried to speak only moans would spill out of his mouth. Instead he frantically nodded his head to show her his approval.

Tsuki smiled,"Do you want to cum on my tits, Kashi?"

Again he frantically nodded his head as he felt the knot in his lower abdomen about to explode. He took quick look around to make sure nobody was around watching them.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now