Aftermath (fluff)

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Tsuki's eyes fluttered open as rays of sunlight spilled through the window onto her face. She looked at Kakashi who was still soundly asleep. It was a miracle that she woke up before him, that almost never happened. He was usually up and dressed and already had breakfast and tea made for when Tsuki woke up.

Her moment of bliss came to an abrupt halt when she felt the after effects of her drunken escapade from the previous night. Her body was sore, her throat was sore, she had a pounding headache, and she needed to throw up. She slid out of bed as quietly as she could before scurrying to the bathroom to puke in the toilet and take a shower.

After stepping out of the shower she felt better and reached into the medicine cabinet to pop a pain killer in her mouth for her headache that was slowly going away but still gnawing at the back of her head.

She exited the bathroom and got dressed in some lounge clothes and looked over to Kakashi who was still sleeping like a rock.

'Damn, last night must have taken a lot out of him' she thought as she bit her lip at the memory.

Tsuki decided to switch up the roles today and let him sleep while she made her way to the kitchen. She chugged a glass of water to help with the headache and put the kettle on the stove to make some green tea with honey to soothe her sore throat. She pulled out some ingredients for breakfast. Her cooking still wasn't the greatest but she had mastered a few dishes that Kakashi had taught her.

She put some rice in the rice cooker and began to tidy up the living room that was still covered in the evidence of the romantic and heated night of their 6 month anniversary. Tipped over wine glasses, an empty bottle of sake, Tsuki's and Kakashi's clothes scattered about leading a trail to the bedroom. She smiled to herself, she couldn't have met a better person to fall in love with. She found the headband that Kakashi had given her and glanced at the circle containing five dots which represented the five elements that the Kuraku Clan had mastery over, momentarily she thought if her family and wished they were still alive to meet Kakashi.

Tsuki made her way back to the kitchen and by time she put away the extra cake and sweets on the table the rice and tea kettle were done.

She put some green tea to steep and plated some rice, smoked salmon, and avocado. Hopefully a fatty enough meal to help with their hangovers.

By time she finished plating breakfast, she heard footsteps running to the bathroom, followed by hearing Kakashi vomit into the toilet just as she did. She quickly made his green tea with lemon and grabbed a pain killer and made her way to the bedroom where he was leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom entrance in a pair of grey sweats he likely found on the floor.

"Do you feel just as shitty as I do?" Kakashi said rubbing his temples,"Why the fuck did we drink that much?"

"I felt shitty when I woke up but it's slowly going away." Tsuki reassured him handing him the pill and his tea.

He took the pain pill and sipped his tea and breathed a sigh of relief,"Thank you, love." She said with a weak smile holding his left eye closed, his body clearly sore from last night.

"Come on, I made breakfast.." Tsuki said proudly

"Wooowwww, are you sure you're feeling ok? You never cook" he teased putting the back of his hand to her forehead

"Shut the fuck up and get in the kitchen boy." Tsuki teased back. Kakashi laughed and began walking towards the kitchen blocking Tsuki's hand as she went to smack his ass.

After puking, Kakashi's nausea subsided and he scarfed down the meal that Tsuki made the two of them and drank a glass of water.

"We're getting too old for this shit." Tsuki said pointing out the two empty bottles of wine and one empty bottle of sake.

Kakashi laughed,"Oh my God what the fuck is wrong with us? That's why we feel so bad today."

Tsuki laughed back. She loved their constant banter, she always felt at ease with him and like she could just joke around for hours. They looked up and smiled at each other as they both recollected the events of last night.

Kakashi didn't drink very often, but getting drunk with Tsuki and just having the whole night to fuck around and do whatever they wanted was the most fun he'd ever had. He drank a lot last night but, he still remembered all the deep conversations and debates they had, neither of their mouths having filters, obviously followed by a passionate night of love-making. Tsuki was his whole world, and she felt the same about him. She stimulated his soul in a way he hadn't felt before and he knew that she was "the one" that everyone talks about. He had found his soulmate.

They finished eating.

"Ok, so question, why does my new headband have the Hatake clan symbol if I'm not technically in the Hatake clan?" Tsuki asked playfully. She knew it meant because they were dating and he wanted to show how dedicated he was to her, which she found sweet.

"Oh don't worry I'll make you my wife and you'll be an official member of the Hatake clan soon enough." Kakashi said casually, catching Tsuki off guard. She was speechless and didn't know what to say. She knew he wasn't proposing, but the mention of her being his wife was new, they had never talked about that before.

Kakashi, who was feeling much better, picked up their plates and threw them in the sink. He leaned down and kissed Tsuki's temple as he made his way back to the bathroom,"I'm gonna shower really quick, we should probably go check on Lady Tsunade to see if she needs us for anything. Thank you for breakfast, love."

"You're welcome." Tsuki said still staring off into space at his comment.

'He wants me to be his wife?' she thought.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now