Co-Op. Mission Pt. 5

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Tsuki took a shower and got dressed into her skimpy black dress and heels. Her brown straight hair flowed to her mid-back and framed her face as per usual. She reached for her ninja headband but stopped herself before she grabbed it, she wasn't going to need it for this mission after all. For some finishing touches, she applied some makeup she had picked up in the shops. Just some mascara to make her eyelashes long and flirty and some pink lipgloss to make her lips inviting.

She took one last look in the mirror and grunted,"Ugh, this is gross." She said to herself. Although she was quite satisfied with her appearance, she didn't like the reason why she was dressing up like this. But it was for the good of the village so she sucked it up and left the bathroom to find Kakashi getting his lazy disguise together as well.

He basically looked exactly the same but he removed his green flak jacket and fingerless gloves to leave him in just the black long sleeve shirt and pants. He also had forgoed wearing the leaf headband so his silver hair fell wildly over his face as he kept his left eye closed. It was a simple change but, he looked mighty fine to Tsuki as the black long sleeve showed off his toned, lean body that was normally hidden under the puffy green jonin vest. He readjusted the hem of his black shirt, pulling it up ever so slightly, giving Tsuki a peek at his fishnet undershirt that served as a cage for what she assumed were chiseled, yet not too overly defined abs.  She wanted to see him with his shirt all the way off, but she quickly shook the inappropriate thoughts from her mind.

'He's your comrade, Tsuki! You can't think of him like that!' she reminded herself as her body remembered the fact that she hadn't had so much as a non-platonic hug from a member of the opposite sex in a little over three years, since before Orochimaru took her captive. Her body was starting to feel the effects of her years long dry spell, especially in the presence of someone so unintentionally enticing as Kakashi.

"Alright do I look like I can seduce someone tonight?" Tsuki asked half joking because she was dreading this mission.

Kakashi turned around and eye'd her up and down causing Tsuki to become nervous under his gaze,"Definitely." He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his head trying to rid himself of the dirty thoughts that plagued his mind now seeing Tsuki in this damned dress for the second time,"Let's go find Jiraiya.." he said as they both walked out of the hotel room.

"Have fun you two!!" The elderly innkeeper waved at them as they left the hotel. Kakashi chuckled and awkwardly waved back.

Jiraiya was waiting for the two of them at the end of the block.

"Wow look at you! You're a real beauty!" Jiraiya eye'd Tsuki hungrily as they approached, annoying Kakashi once again,"This plan is definitely going to work! Ok so I found the weapons dealer is named Tsukata Hachi. He's a tall man, about your age with blonde hair and green eyes. But don't worry if you go in there and sit at the bar looking like this I'm sure he'll come up to you."

Tsuki faked a half-smile thinking about how awful this part of the mission was going to be.

"You should probably use a fake name so you don't give away your real identity, Tsuki." Kakashi added

"I can go by Misaki! That was my mom's name. And Kakashi you can go by Tsusuri, if I get into trouble I can call you by that name. That was my dad." Tsuki said

"Ok sounds good Misaki!" Jiraiya said,"I suggest you go in first Kakashi and find a seat with a clear view of the bar, Tsukata is already in there. And then a couple of minutes later Misaki, you go in. I'll catch up with afterwards, I have some research to do."

'Goddamnit Jiraiya, always with the research' Kakashi thought

"Ugh, alright, see you in a bit Tsuki." Kakashi made his way into the bar opening his Sharingan eye and instantly spotting Tsukata holding a beer and talking to a woman sitting next to him.

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