An Eye for an Eye

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Tsuki coughed up more blood as she landed in the dimensional plane that Obito pulled her into. Thinking quickly she reached into her pouch and grabbed a few food pills and chewed them up trying to keep her chakra going she then reached for an injection Sakura had made her that builds up the body's red blood cells, hopefully to make up for the blood she had lost.

She felt very weak, she was losing blood too quickly, she barely got a hold of the injection when Obito kicked her and she rolled onto her back, while the syringe rolled out of her hand and away from her.

"You're a p-piece of shit y-y-ou know that, Obito?" Tsuki started shivering, as the symptoms of hypovolemic shock started setting in,"Y-y-ou have no idea what Kakashi went through after you and R-rin died. He still h-has nightmares about it. He still v-isits your g-graves everyday."

"Crying over someone's grave does nothing to fix the issue, that's why I'm planning on launching my Infinite Tsukuyomi. Where Rin can be alive once again." Obito said coldly.

Tsuki wanted to retort but she was growing too weak, she could feel her heart racing trying to compensate for the amount of blood that wasn't flowing through her body, she couldn't help but close her eyes. Just to rest for a bit.

Her eyes shot back open when she heard a familiar voice call her name, she looked to the right and saw Kakashi running over towards her.

"Tsuki, hang in there, I'm gonna get you out of here!" Kakashi yelled as Obito stood in front of her blocking Kakashi's access.

"Ka-kashi?" She said weakly. How did he have enough chakra to use Kamui again?

"Obito. It seems like there's nothing I can do that will change you. All I can give you right just death." Kakashi said coldly. He knew needed to win this fight against Obito or Tsuki would die forsure. It gave him a new resolve to fight his hardest.

"And I will do the same." Obito said as he began infusing his chakra.

Tsuki helplessly looked onward as she saw Obito and Kakashi fight. She wanted to help, she wished she could help, but she was too weak, she was dying. All she could do at this point is trust in Kakashi. They were moving too fast for her to keep up with their movements. A tear fell from her eye, both at the pain from the wound in her back and at the thought of his hard this must be for Kakashi right now. Her heart hurt for him.

The fight was pretty evenly matched, until Obito seemingly got the upper hand and chained Kakashi's wrist to a post he created from the ground.

Obito laughed maniacally,"Now that you're caught, you get to watch me kill the love of your life! Just as you killed mine! An Eye for an eye, Kakashi!" Obito made his way over to Tsuki on the ground and pulled her up by her hair. He tilted his head as he looked at her. Something was different.

"Haha, this is just perfect.." he said as he dragged Tsuki's body towards Kakashi who had his hands strung up in chains.

Tsuki was grunting at the pain of being dragged by her hair but she couldn't fight back, her hands grabbed Obito's trying to pry his finger out of her hair but she was too weak and she just held on to his hand.

Obito held her up to face Kakashi,"Look at her Kakashi. What do you see?"

Kakashi looked at Tsuki and saw the life fading from her beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh Tsuki, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." Kakashi said as a tear fell from his eye.

"NO!" Obito growled at him,"Look closer, use my eye..."

Kakashi didn't know what he meant, but he examined Tsuki head to toe using the Sharingan and stopped when he got to her stomach and saw two little balls of chakra forming in her womb.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now