Flashback: Jealous Kakashi Pt 1 (🍋)

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One of my readers requested a jealous Kakashi chapter so here we are 😂 it's gonna be a couple chapters

Flashback: between the formation of the Shinobi Allied Forces and the war. Tsunade is sending Kakashi and Tsuki on a diplomatic mission to the Village Hidden in the Grass to negotiate with the village leader to provide soldiers for the Allied Shinobi Forces in exchange for protection during the war as well as rehabilitation afterwards.

"It was nice of Lady Tsunade to send us on this mission together." Kakashi said,"We've been so busy we've needed a break from training.."

"Well it was almost just you on this mission but I guess the leader of the village's family used to live in Godai and have history with the Kuraku. I wonder who it is!"

"Me too." Kakashi replied,"Shizune pulled her away before she told us the name."

"Ahh whoever it is I'm sure that we'll be able to spot him or her. It's not a small town, meaning they probably have money. The leader is sure to be dressed in something fancy and prrretentious." Tsuki rolled her R on her last word and said it with a snotty, mocking tone.

"Haha, yeah." Kakashi said,"Hey..." He looked over at his girlfriend with his one exposed eye,"Quickie in the forest?"

Tsuki laughed,"You got yourself a deal, Hatake!" He scooped her up into his arms and ran off the path of the forest until he found a spot that looked secluded and safe enough and set Tsuki on her back in the grass.

They both threw off their packs, Kakashi ran his hand down Tsuki's tight stomach into her shorts and underwear to start rubbing her womanhood, his breathing hitched when he felt how dreadfully soaked she already was.

"Well I was gonna warm you up but it looks like you're already one step ahead of me..." He said in a low deep voice. Tsuki could hear the smirk in his voice, even though she couldn't see it on account of his mask.

"I'm ready for you Hatake." She said seductively, licking her lips.

"Turn the fuck around Kuraku." He grabbed her hip and flipped her onto her stomach. He ripped her shorts and underwear down to her mid thigh before undoing his own zipper just enough to let his cock be freed from it's constraints.

They left their clothes on as much as possible, in case they heard someone approach them.

Kakashi threw his leg over her thighs and straddled them, he stared down at her plump ass and couldn't help but give it an ardent smack. Tsuki yelped.

One hand reached down to grab a fistful of her hair and tugged her head back while the other grabbed her hip to tilt them upwards so he had access to her sweet entrance.

Tsuki whined in anticipation but Kakashi gripped her hair tighter,"I don't want to hear a fucking peep out of you, Kuraku. Stay quiet." He seethed at her. He honestly didn't want to get caught by a passerby in the forest, but he decided to make this a little game.

'Fuck' Tsuki thought,'Well this is gonna be difficult.'

"If you make any nosie, I'm stopping and we'll continue on our journey to the Grass Village. I won't make any either." Kakashi threatened.

Tsuki nodded, accepting the terms and conditions of his challenge.

"Good girl." He cooed as he plunged his cock into her. Tsuki bit her lip, trying to stifle the moans that were trying to break out of her mouth.

Kakashi silently railed her, enjoying every second of it, but not making any noise himself just like he promised. Tsuki was doing well too. He loved hearing her moans, but he couldn't kid himself...this was so hot to him. He felt like he was doing something mischievous. Like he was fucking someone else's wife and they had to be secretive about it. Or.....or, that they were doing it in a quiet place, like a library or something. He didn't even fucking know what he was thinking, those Icha Icha books gave him all sorts of filthy scenarios to think about.

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