The Crystal Style User

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Yamato, Tsuki, and the rest of team seven had been stopped by the sudden formation of a Jade crystal dome, which they found out had no opening or weak spot from Sai's ink bird that flew the around the perimeter.

Yamato tried using his wood style to dig underneath it. Tsuki activated her chojougan and tried to break through it using various attacks as well but nothing even made a tiny crack in the crystal.

Then Naruto summoned his toad to try out a new Jutsu he's been working on.

"Wind Style: Toad water pistol!" Naruto shouted as a cooperative jutsu of water and wind shot from him and the toad.  The crystal dome formed a small crack that began to spread faster and faster until it shattered completely.

"Good job Naruto! Now let's go!" Tsuki yelled as she began to advance into the forest, still desperate to make sure Kakashi was alive and okay.

They traveled about half a kilometer when she felt the presence of Kakashi's chakra before they stumbled upon him, Shino, and Kiba with Hinata encased in a crystal prison of some sort next to a woman with black hair and red lips.

"Kakashi!" Tsuki yelled, she was relieved to see his masked face again,"What's going on here?"

Naruto made an advance and was about to attack when Kakashi stopped him,"Naruto don't get carried away! If you hit Hinata, she will die if the crystal shatters!" His brows were furrowed and his exposed face looked angry.  Tsuki knew he was just thinking of a game plan, he always looked like this during combat. He was even using his Sharingan signaling to her that this enemy was no joke and this fight needed to be approached carefully. She activated her chojougan, causing her blue eyes to turn black.

"You must be Tsuki Kuraku, the last person that possess the Chojougan?" The enemy woman said,"Lord Orochimaru has told me so much about you and your abilities. Such a shame he had to kill your clan, but it seems you've escaped and have joined the leaf.  I guess I better get rid of you too, you're too strong to be left alive just like Kakashi of the Sharingan!" She spat. Tsuki wore a look of contempt on her face in response to the woman's threatening words. She wasn't going to let it get to her.

Naruto attacked with his toad water pistol but the woman transformed it into a crystal dragon and sent it towards Kakashi and Tsuki.  Kakashi pushed Tsuki to the side while he jumped the opposite way. Tsuki focused her chojougan eyes on the crystal dragon and she swore she could see little glints of green chakra running through it. 

Tsuki quickly did a backflip and caught her footing while simultaneously picking up some earth and launching it towards the enemy, who quickly transformed it into crystal.

"She can turn the elements into crystal?" Tsuki's gasped as she jumped back over to Kakashi.

"It seems that way. I can't copy her crystal style with my Sharingan either." Kakashi whispered in a loud voice.

Tsuki launched another attack, this time using water which ultimately got turned into crystal while Sai provided a distraction with one of his super beast scroll animals.

Naruto's toad jumped forward and swallowed Hinata whole who was still encased in crystal. By that time, the enemies reinforcements arrived and they took off running.

By that time, Pakkun, Kakashi's ninja hound had arrived back at the team.  Tsuki leaned down to scratch him on the head, she loves dogs.

"Oh my God so cute! Who is this??" Tsuki said squealing as she continued to scratch behind his ears. 

Pakkun was enjoying the attention,"I'm Pakkun, Kakashi's summoning animal. A ninja hound."

Tsuki looked up at Kakashi with a look of amazement,"You can summon ninja hounds?! I wanna summon ninja hounds! Teach me Kashi!" She begged with her hands clasped together.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now