Naruto's Turmoil

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"S-S-Sakura." Naruto wore a look of sadness and confusion on his face at hearing the words coming from the Kunoichi's mouth,"What did you just say?"

Sakura had just shown up with Lee and Sai to tell him this.

"I love you Naruto." She repeated,"And I want you to know that Sasuke doesn't mean a thing to me anymore. I was crazy to like him in the first place. You should listen more carefully when a girl confesses her feelings for you."

Yamato and Lee's eyes popped out of their head while Kakashi wore his typical bored look.  Tsuki, on the other hand, was fuming, hearing her speak, she began to move her legs to step in to the absurd situation and put a stop to it, but was quickly held back by Kakashi as he tugged her arm and pulled her back close to him, eventually wrapping his hand around her slim waist.

"Don't." He whispered in Tsuki's ear so that only she could hear,"We can't keep babying Naruto, let him handle this himself."

Tsuki grunted, but complied. Kakashi kept a tight grip on her waist in case she tried something again. Sakura pulled Naruto into a hug and whispered something in his ear.

Naruto's eyes of shock turned to anger as he grabbed the pinkette by the shoulders and pulled her away from his body,"Just stop Sakura! I hate people who lie to themselves, so just stop!"

This exchange went on a couple of minutes, but ended with Sakura storming off with Lee and Sai.

Tsuki unclenched her balled up fists as Sakura walked away,"What is wrong with that girl?" Tsuki whispered to Kakashi through clenched teeth,"Is she planning something?"

"I think so. But I don't know exactly what  she's trying to do. I have a feeling it involves Sasuke though." Kakashi replied.

Shortly after Sakura left, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro showed up to inform them that Sasuke at the Five Kage Summit, Danzo had run away, and Madara uchiha showed up and declared war against the shinobi world. Sai sent and ink clone back as well to inform them of Sakura's plan to kill Sasuke.

"We'd also like to inform you Kakashi that because of Danzo's actions you are now being considered for the position of Hokage." Gaara stated.

Tsuki quietly gasped.  She wasn't surprised Kakashi was being nominated, his skill in all areas as a shinobi proved he was the obvious choice for the job, not mention he's made quite the name for himself around the world.  Every enemy they run into has somehow heard of the famed 'Copy Ninja' in one way or another.  But she was surprised that it was actually happening. She felt proud of him for rising to such a stature in life despite his hardships, even though she knew Kakashi probably didn't want the job.  She felt that Obito would have been proud of him too.

Kakashi's face maintained his normal bored look with half-lidded eyes, which Tsuki knew that it meant he was hiding his true emotions.  He always put on that poker face when he didn't want someone to see what he was really feeling, the only time his face expression changed much was when he was alone with Tsuki or in really intense fights.

"I'm really not too eager to become Hokage. And even with the circumstances being what they are I'll still need to go back to the Hidden Leaf Village and discuss this with the elders first." Kakashi said flatly. He didn't want this position.  He'd be tied to a desk. If he ever had a family with Tsuki, he'd be away from home a lot. He couldn't even protect Obito or Rin, why would he want to be responsible for a whole village.

"Madara has declared war on all of us.  We don't have all the time in the world." Temari reminded the group

"I don't think it would take that long to get everything approved." Tsuki added, the elders knew Kakashi and know he's loyal to the Leaf, they would approve him for certain.

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